this movie is incredibly racist!
I'm watching this movie and I can't believe that Matt Damon, who used to be one of my favorite actors, in the 90s, had the gall to narrate this trash! This movie, not only doesn't mention the numerous African-Americans who were affected by the financial crisis of 2008 and then goes onto to target two, well-known (in the African-American community) pioneers. Sorry but why is there something wrong with people making money? Ruth Simmons is one of the most respected leaders in the African-American community and sorry, but Stan O'Neal is one of the FEW African-Americans who works on Wall Street. I have a friend who is African-American, who lives in New York and jobs on Wall Street for black people are hard to come by. I find it incredibly RACIST that these two, along with Kenneth Chenault, the head of American Express, who is not mentioned in this movie but who I read about in a similar article (where the person was stewing over the fact that he made a lot of money. Hello? He's the CEO) are mentioned as if African-Americans live in some post-racial society where all of us are doing so much better than the average white person. We're not. Most of us are struggling to make ends meet and look up to the people that succeed. In a society, where in the black community, basketball players and rappers receive the most accolades, to target these persons who are educated, articulate and black, doesn't sit with me too well. In the money, a Chinese woman is presented as the victim of the global outsourcing when THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CAN'T FIND A JOB. Also, they talk to a Hispanic woman. Well, guess what? SOME Hispanics are doing a lot better than a lot of working-class African-Americans. When I was in Fayetteville, North Carolina, the hotel we stayed at, not one African-American worked there from what I could see but loads of Asian and Hispanics worked there. I talked to my aunt, she said that's happening a lot. Now, apparently, because we have a black president, and a few entertainers who have made millions, that means that the majority of us black people are doing great. Well, guess what? We're not! For those who can't rap or sing or act or play a sport, the jobs available suck. But seeing these two African-Americans gave me a sense of hope but apparently, according to this movie, they shouldn't be making that kind of money. What's better? Going back to the days when black people could only find jobs working in a factory or as a maid? Well, that's the present reality for my parents. This movie is racist and I'm going to tell everyone I know not to watch it.