MovieChat Forums > Inside Job (2010) Discussion > this movie is incredibly racist!

this movie is incredibly racist!

I'm watching this movie and I can't believe that Matt Damon, who used to be one of my favorite actors, in the 90s, had the gall to narrate this trash! This movie, not only doesn't mention the numerous African-Americans who were affected by the financial crisis of 2008 and then goes onto to target two, well-known (in the African-American community) pioneers. Sorry but why is there something wrong with people making money? Ruth Simmons is one of the most respected leaders in the African-American community and sorry, but Stan O'Neal is one of the FEW African-Americans who works on Wall Street. I have a friend who is African-American, who lives in New York and jobs on Wall Street for black people are hard to come by. I find it incredibly RACIST that these two, along with Kenneth Chenault, the head of American Express, who is not mentioned in this movie but who I read about in a similar article (where the person was stewing over the fact that he made a lot of money. Hello? He's the CEO) are mentioned as if African-Americans live in some post-racial society where all of us are doing so much better than the average white person. We're not. Most of us are struggling to make ends meet and look up to the people that succeed. In a society, where in the black community, basketball players and rappers receive the most accolades, to target these persons who are educated, articulate and black, doesn't sit with me too well. In the money, a Chinese woman is presented as the victim of the global outsourcing when THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CAN'T FIND A JOB. Also, they talk to a Hispanic woman. Well, guess what? SOME Hispanics are doing a lot better than a lot of working-class African-Americans. When I was in Fayetteville, North Carolina, the hotel we stayed at, not one African-American worked there from what I could see but loads of Asian and Hispanics worked there. I talked to my aunt, she said that's happening a lot. Now, apparently, because we have a black president, and a few entertainers who have made millions, that means that the majority of us black people are doing great. Well, guess what? We're not! For those who can't rap or sing or act or play a sport, the jobs available suck. But seeing these two African-Americans gave me a sense of hope but apparently, according to this movie, they shouldn't be making that kind of money. What's better? Going back to the days when black people could only find jobs working in a factory or as a maid? Well, that's the present reality for my parents. This movie is racist and I'm going to tell everyone I know not to watch it.


It's racist because it didn't mention numerous African Americans who were affected?

<<< shakes head >>>

Is everything you don't like racism to you people?


You people? What do you mean, black people? Yeah, hide behind your computer because it's easier for you to spew your hatred. I'll bet you wouldn't dare say something like that in public. It's people like you the reason why I'm mad in the first place. No, not everything that I don't like is racism. I don't agree with everything that President Obama is doing.

When you make assumptions, you make an ass out of your and me.


You didn't answer the question. You think it is racist because it didn't mention a few people?

Did you watch the whole thing?


I watched the entire movie! I think there could have been a balance between showing the positive and negative portrayals of African-Americans.


Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Number one, it's just a movie. Number two, it's not racist just because it didn't mention a few names of black people. Now I'd agree with you if Matt Damon were to pop up on the screen marching around in a KKK suit shouting "Hail Hitler", but he wasn't. Smoke a doobie and relax, will ya?

~Says the boss.


^ This.

If anything pimada, it's reverse discrimination. Look it up, will ya?

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


What is your problem with african americans? They are people just like everyone else and are portrayed in the movie like everyone affected by the crisis!

What need do you have to segregate african-americans and treat them in a different manner if they were as affected as everyone else?!

Please, leave your racism at the door pal, these boards don't need it.


The "race card" has lost its intrinsic value as of the late 2000's (in case you haven't been told). at this point, it only makes you look like a troll, race baiter, or otherwise all around fool.


I mean black people like you who see racism in everything.

I don't see this movie, which is a poor explanation of what happened, as targeting black people.

And there were plenty of victims of this who were black.

So knock off the "racist" rant. We're sick of it.



I did not see this movie yet but I checked out Stan O'Neal and here is what I found:
"Stanley O'NealFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earnest Stanley O'Neal (born October 7, 1951) is an American business executive. He is the former President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., having served in numerous senior management positions at the company prior to this appointment. O'Neal was one of the first African-Americans to rise to the top on Wall Street. He has taken criticism for his performance during his reign as chief executive at Merrill Lynch, and the deterioration of the firm's stability and capital position.[1] During the final hearings prior to the Bank of America merger, numerous people - including a founder's son, Win Smith - laid the blame on O'Neal for the firm's downfall and loss of independence.

When he came to power, he attempted to get rid of the 'Mother Merrill' culture of job security, arguing that it promoted cronyism instead of merit. He also wanted to transform Merrill into a trading powerhouse, and beat Goldman Sachs at its own game. He promoted loyalists like Osman Semerci, who shared his vision. The new team plowed into the mortgage-backed CDO market on a massive scale; Merrill was one of the top CDO underwriters of the boom era. People who complained about risk were fired or sidelined. Initially this plan brought huge bonuses to Merrill, but when the market turned, trouble brewed.

During August and September 2007, as the sub-prime crisis swept through the global financial market, Merrill Lynch announced losses of $8 billion. O'Neal realized that he had steered Merrill Lynch into the disastrous sub-prime arena, and was responsible for the losses.[9][10] As the crisis worsened, O'Neal approached Wachovia Bank about a possible merger, without first obtaining the approval of Merrill's Board of Directors, which led to his ouster.[11] O'Neal walked away with a golden parachute compensation package that included Merrill stock and options valued at $161.5 million at the time."

I don't care if he was a purple alien from the dark side of the moon but if that is true about him then he deserves to be one of the bad guys on Wall Street in this movie IMHO.


Just because a few of the high level perps were black does not make this a racist film.

This whole thread was dumb.


I have to agree with you 100%, This whole thread was dumb. I sincerely hope this person is simply a troll, rather than a simpleton.

They gotta write their own letters






Franklin Raines ran Fannie Mae the way Ken Lay ran Enron. Barney Frank, the moronic Maxine Waters, the corrupt Meeks all attacked anyone who wanted to look behind the curtain as racist.

Well, America is immune to the racist rant. And, it diminishes real racism, which does exist but at nowhere near the level the crybabies claim.


Are you a minority? Because unless you are, you don't know a thing about real racism. Racism is the systematic belief that one is inherently inferior because of their race. I see you attacking blacks and Jews, as if we don't experience enough racism. I'm not a crybaby. Perhaps if you opened your eyes, you might stop suffering from white privilege.


I don't need to be a minority to know about racism. But, I compliment you on getting the definition correct.

You don't see me attacking blacks and Jews anywhere.

White privilege? LOL, and yet another moronic term.


As moronic as the original post is, white privilege is definitely a real thing...


I am an ethnic a matter of fact, I'm an Indian Sikh who wears a turban and has a beard for religious reasons...I have seen real racism in my life time being born and raised in America and you sir are a grade A moron if you think this movie was racist...minorities can be bad guys too...



1. I hope you are simply trolling, in which case: You got me!

2. Like you said: Matt Damon is doing the narrative. Consider this: He didn't make the movie!

3. This movie is barely at all, looking into the people affected by the economic crisis. It´s a movie about how this was allowed to happen.

4. The movie doesn't express the feelings that, maybe, one or two people who are "African-American" shouldn't make such big money. It is basically saying that a lot of people are making enormous amounts of money playing with money that were never theirs in the first place. Be they "African-American" or not. Isn't that very anti-racism?

5. According to your post "a Chinese woman is presented as the victim of the global outsourcing". She was making $70-80 a month (how much do you make?) and the whole point was to show how this had affect on honest working people on the other side of the world.

6. I'm not at all into your whole racism-point. But if I understand you correctly, it isn't really the movie that's racist, but the American society?


1. I'm not simply trolling. I was trying to make a point.

2. No, he didn't make the movie but he agreed to NARRATE the movie. That puts as much responsibility on him as the filmmakers.

3. I disagree. The movie, by showcasing a Chinese woman who makes less than a $100 a month, does show those who are affected by the economic crisis. I make $600 a month and that's with a college degree from the University of Michigan. I've attended two graduate schools, but did not graduate. I live in Detroit, which if you read the headlines, is suffering a depression compared to the rest of the country.

4. It's not anti-racism if in showing a Chinese woman as a victim, and an Asian as a victim but showing African-Americans as a part of the problem, by showcasing two successful African-Americans, who may or may not be guilty. If they had shown African-Americans as victims, which they did with the Asian woman and the Hispanic woman, I would have been less critical of the movie.

6. SOME (not all) people seem to think that because we have a black president that we now live in a post-racial society, when African-American unemployment, including me, is double the national average. It's high among Hispanics but highest among black people, particularly black men. I wouldn't expect you as a privileged person to understand the whole racism point but at least try to understand where I'm coming from. The movie only showcased victims that were Asian and Hispanic but ignored African-Americans, who are the main victims of the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, but showcased two, probably the only two successful African-Americans in Wall Street. There wasn't a balance, but the only African-Americans shown were the bad guys, not the victims, not the good guys but the bad guys. I stand by my statement.


What have Simmon's or O'neal done for the black community? Nothing! Not even open doors so that blacks are fairly represented in the finance industry besides being lowly bank tellers. What they have managed to do is become very wealthy at the expense of the working class. They're greedy bastards that do not get a pass from me because they're black. Stop making every single issue about race. The race card is like the Boy Who Cried Wolf these days, reduced to nothing and having no value when its really called for.
FYI, working at a hotel isn't some glamorous job. Immigrants take what they can get and its the reason they have jobs because they are willing to do the ones that "suck". If you want better job options go to university, graduate, and encourage the youth in your family to do the same. You seem racist with your rant about Asians & Hispanic hotel workers.


Whose to say that they don't give back? Unless you know them personally, you cannot say that. I found the following link on Ruth Simmons: I think Bill Maher said it best when he said, "A lot of white people are racist and don't know it." African-American unemployment is twice the national average and higher than Asians and Hispanics. You can look this up online or just read any article on employment on and and they will support what I'm saying. I'm not making every issue about race but I'm tired of SOME (not all) white people saying that "we're playing the race card." I'm tired of turning on the news and hearing stories about the epidemic of poverty in the black community, the epidemic of AIDS (black women are 15 times more likely to have AIDS than whites and are twice as likely to have AIDS than Asians and Hispanics. I think SOME (not all) people are intimidated by the idea of an African-American making more money than them. By the way, I have graduated from the University of Michigan-Dearborn with a degree in English and I can't find a decent job here in Detroit. I went back to graduate school, twice and it didn't work out. So, I am educated. I'm not racist in my rant of Asians and Hispanics, I was merely pointing out that those groups seem to be faring a lot better than the African-Americans that I've observed and talked to, which shows that racism still exists. Frankly, I'm tired of people presuming that we live in a post-racial society. If you don't get it, then say you don't get it, but don't try to say that I'm "playing the race card," when even with a degree, I don't have the same privileges as you. How many black friends, workers, acquaintances do you have? From the looks of your posting, probably not many, if any, and that's shows more about you than anything else.


Throwing a gala and a couple of dollars to a select few is hardly giving back when you have the position to change the banking executive level demographic from the inside. I get tired of black Americans blaming failure solely on racism. It's tiresome.
I am first generation American with a BLACK mother, so pick your jaw off the floor. I have friends, family and coworkers from all backgrounds, we're like the UN. Also you have no idea who I know personally, you'd be quite surprised, but I'm not here for boasting. I never said racism doesn't exist. Racism is alive and well and has been an institutional construct used for fear mongering, political and economic manipulation for centuries in USA.
Remember there was a point in time where AMERICAN whites saw American blacks, Italian immigrants, Irish immigrants as a threat because they did the jobs that NOONE WANTED TO DO.
You've completed post grad in English and can't get a job because Detroit is a wasteland consider relocating to a place where your efforts are appreciated.
I see poor people of all background struggle to make ends meet. I see so many people without medical insurance that come into my clinic,some employed some not. I don't like racism being used as a crutch, its disabling and thwarts progression. When there is an obstacle you adapt to it to reach your goal.
My mom came here with only the clothes on her back, dark skin and all, took sh*t job and still managed to complete university and raise children ALONE with not one ounce of government charity. This is so much more a class issue than color issue. Thinking you don't have a chance because you're black and passing that ideology onto youth leads to self-fullfiling prophecy.


issues such as African American unemployment and disenfranchised African Americans do exist in large quantities in America, this is true...there is a lot of social and economic inequality, that is also true...however, the men mentioned in this film have far more in common with Donald Trump than they do with you...if they are committing immoral acts to get ahead, they absolutely should not get a pass just because they are black. This is an absurd notion and IMO stunts the progress we have made as a nation in the last 50+ years in terms of racial equality. We aren't perfect, but giving a pass to somebody committing wrongs that basically messed up the financial markets for the entire world just because they are black is stupid...just because you are black, white, brown, green, purple whatever does not give you a pass to play a derivative game with loans...


Shut up troll! Seriously?!! You don't have the right to be a spokesperson for struggling African-Americans today. You know why? Beause YOU ARE A DUMMY!!! That's right---a DUMMY! The reason you are struggling is because (if I am reading the above post in the proper context)you pursued a degree in English in *beep* tumbleweed depressed broke-ass Detroit and instead of finishing what you started in Graduate School, and perhaps selected a course of study that might help to create prosperity in YOUR community, for YOUR people, for YOURSELF, you QUIT! And now you have the unmitigated gaul to troll a movie website, whine and pontificate about "oh how racist the movieman is". Well BOO Freaking HOO!!! The White Man isn't the MAIN reason your life sucks. YOU ARE!!!!!! The fact that you watched this documentary and suddenly decided because a couple black faces of success were shown (including our current President's) equates to some kind of damning of the black man, shows your lack of reading comprehension and literary analyis. THIS from a graduate of English. Our people have some REAL goddamn problems. WE ALL have serious struggles and a *beep* of crap beyond ANYONE'S comprehension that was created by GREED and STUPIDITY. Not just racism. Stop trolling, bitching, and whining about your (our) *beep* condition---AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!!! Get off the computer, cell phone, your own *beep* head, and get your ass back to graduate school and either HELP your people and your community--or get out of Detroit if you want a better opportunity.


Read this:

and tell me if racism doesn't exist.


Where's the racism? All the hardships? please explain.


citizenright1 you are a racist and a troll and you need to shut the *beep* up..

as to the original post. Seriously??

U see nothing wrong with 2 people trying to make money? That is the entire problem with american culture! how can people like you justify this behavior.

Clearly the point of the movie is greed is not good.. Greed corrupted certain individuals to allow certain practices that forced you to accept a job that paid you a wage of 600$ per month. THAT IS THE REAL *beep* ISSUE. WHY WOULD YOU PERPETUATE THE PROBLEM!! I am not anti capitalist or anything but the movie clearly states that these systems worked when they were REGULATED but certain characters sought to deregulate the system and in doing so profited. and by doing so hurt YOU ME AND YOUR MOM.. So really please shut up about the racism.

These people are money driven individuals and they don't give a *beep* about the color of your skin or what the *beep* you do. All they care about, is if you can make money for them or not.


Why don't you explain why you call me a racist. Don't try to use too many multi syllable words, but do your best,


why do you need an explanation, your the author of all your own posts I assume?

when you make remarks like "you people" that shows your true colors.



Are you one of those people, too?

Explain why I am a bigot.

You sanctimonious losers throw around words that you have heard but don't know what they mean.

Explain, bigmouth. Put up or shut up.


I kind of agree with you. Yes, there's a segment of society that's solely focused on making money and money shouldn't be your only goal in life but if you have money, there's nothing wrong with enjoying it.


Hahaha!! This movie is RACIST! Isn't that really a cliche now especially on these boards?

Nobody gonna sleep here


OP is an idiot who doesn't know the meaning of the word racist.

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


I'm an idiot? Why is that SOME white people resort to name-calling when they've been called out for something that they don't like.


Anybody can "call out" somebody for anything. But when you get called on your $&!t you clam up. You shout racist like an automaton and nobody cares anymore.
Hey, I guess I am calling you out, aren't I?
Put up or shut up, sister.


I don't agree with everything that President Obama is doing.

Well that's good you know because the truth is I don't think he's helped Afro-Americans and Hispanics economically in our society. Zilch nada. It's ironic that the programs ( particularly home mortgages) which were made to help the groups were the ones that took them down greatly. What a debacle. I hope there's outrage in the community but I'm not so sure. Without a doubt everyone in our society has gotten killed economically but I think it's evident that those two "under-classes" have borne the brunt of it since their net worth is down dramatically. I don't know if Obama really got things terribly wrong in his stewardship and planning of the economy or he's at the mercy of the markets but if he really tried to put a "chicken in every pot" he succeeded not in doing that but making sure everybody met the fox and lost their pants and chickens as well.


Wow, you think you have seen it all and then you know you haven't.

Let me get this straight, because I am slightly confused by your point.

This movie is racist because:

1- it mentioned 2 or 3 black people in business amongst the other 100 or so white people.

2- It should have ignored their part in the banking crisis because it is difficult for black people to get a job in the banking industry and by mentioning them, it is giving them a bad name and not making them good role-models for other black people who may want to go into banking.

If that is correct, then that is just an insane way of thinking. I agree with other people here- that is reverse racism. If you don't want racism to exist, then every one, whether they are black or white, should be treated equally. That means black people should be judged just the same as white people. And in this film, they were.


There's no such thing as REVERSE racism! That's just an ideology based on the assumption that black people actually have the power to discriminate against white people. See, the problem with people like you and everyone else on this message board, is that you assume that if things are equal between blacks and whites. There's a 15.7% unemployment rate for African-Americans compared to the national average of 9.8&. So, if things are so equal between us, why are out unemployment rates so much higher than whites. If things were equal between us, then why are black women 15 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS than white women.
The reason? Inequality. In a perfect world, we could all hold hands and sing Kumbahya, My Lord. I have a bachelor's degree in English from a prestigious university but cannot find a job. What's the point of going to college if the most successful African-Americans are ball players, movie stars and entertainers?

My point is, and I stand by this, is that there was no balance seen between the positive and negative among the featured black people shown. I stand by my words!
Reverse racism is a cop-out answer because it continues to assume that blacks and whites are equal but we're not. Even on Wall Street, there are so few of us that we're not even equally represented. But your "privilege" prevents you from seeing straight. Let's just agree to disagree because some folks will NEVER get it!


"There's no such thing as REVERSE racism!"

Yep, a confirmed troll.

>>Move along people, nothing to see here.


Everything you don't like is racism.

Anything that will allow you to play the victim card is racism.


That's not true.

reply ml mExist.htm n n ation crimination

Oh boy, you sure are one ignorant mofo...

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


I don't care where you get your information from. Reverse racism is a just an excuse for the MAJORITY group to continue to exert their CONTROL over minority groups. Without affirmative action, I would never have finished college. I think by pretending that racism doesn't exist or by getting upset with African-Americans in position of power, you continue to perpertuate the same system that keeps us in a lower-class position. I'm not ignorant. I think that in your "privilege" you don't want to give it up and if I was lucky enough to be rich and white, I would probably wouldn't want to give it up either!


So you're not rich and white, fair enough. But the bigger question is, why do you assume we are? Ever thought about that? Nor is anybody here upset with African-Americans in positions of power. And who said racism doesn't exist?

But running around shouting RACISM just because a documentary about some white people (yes, Wall Street is dominated by white people, deal with it) featured more white people than blacks is stupid and makes you look as a total fool.

Now sod off and have a nice day! :-)

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


Pimada, are you seriously saying that of all the movies you have watched recently, this is most racist?!
I'm sure you could find and I could name much more racist films than this. This wouldnt even enter IMDB top 1000 racist films!
Seems like you're clutching at straws here, you might have more sympathy on another movies board.

reply about 'Up' thats a racist film as theres not one black person in it. Or 'X-men First Class' there is one black superhero but he dies really early on. Now thats is a proper racist film. Hold on ...just trying to find some more for you.


I don't normally comment but pimada you really need to get a grip. This movie showed the people irrespective of race that were responsible for the GFC. They didn't show the good things any of these people did because it is irrelevant to the argument of the movie. If I was to make a documentary about World War 2 and I really going to say Hitler was evil etc but he was also nice to his mother and saved kittens from trees? Obviously not. None of the non African-American people who were depicted were shown in a good light either. This movie isn't about their lives as a whole, it just cast a magnifying glass on their actions that caused the GFC.
Certain people did greedy things that harmed the financial security of the WHOLE world. I don't care what colour they are. If they helped caused the GFC they deserved to be pointed out.
I do agree however that racism does exist in modern society, but things are getting better. With most people I know it isn't an issue at all. Those statistics about African-Americans are horrifying but is more an indictment on the class barrier than race. Unfortunately most Africa-Americans seem to be stuck in the lower of the classes and spend more time treading water than progressing. An education or skill is vital for progression. America's problem is that you have to get a bank loan to go to college and only those with adequate income can afford it. This perpetuates the class cycle that seems to be a huge problem specifically in the USA.


Are you kidding me? Your words, "Unfortunately, most African-Americans seem to be stuck in the lower of the classes and spend more time treading water than progressing." Isn't that racism? By the way, race and class are intertwined. Our lower-class is THE RESULT of being black. Yes, there is a middle-class and some celebrities are even rich but the majority of us, including me, with a college degree, aren't finding our niche. Those statistics just prove it. Notice how you glossed over them. What does that say about you?


Are you kidding me? Your words, "Unfortunately, most African-Americans seem to be stuck in the lower of the classes and spend more time treading water than progressing." Isn't that racism?

What is racist about it?


Sigh. It wasn't racist, it was acknowledging a fact. Stating a fact isn't racist. It is a fact that most African-Americans are in the lower classes. It is also a fact that they find it very difficult to progress from these lower classes. I acknowledged it and I even sympathised (notice the word "unfortunately", indicating it is a BAD thing).
I glossed over the statistics? What do you want a 10,000 word thesis? Seriously? You seriously have a chip on your shoulder. Yes, really you do. Race and class don't have to be intertwined. There are plenty of poor white, Asians and Hispanic people in the USA as well.
Without a doubt racism exists in the world, but it is no where to be seen in this movie.



"And because of it some poor white kid, who is equally or more qualified (to be accepted into the school), wasn't able to. "

Ha ha, first off, YOU LIE

even if, SERVES YOU RIGHT! whites don't need as much help as blacks do. Whites can ask Koch bros, FoKKKs, RepuKKKelican'ts etc for help.
There's loads of ReichWing charities giving almost exclusively to whites. If yer too moronic to figure that out, you don't belong in college

If you HATE new LISTS:!/groups/232425833467527/



the point wasn't to show a balance of racial portrayals, it was to detail what happened in the financial crisis that was systematic that allowed these CEO's to get rich off of other peoples was to illustrate the dangers of a system that allows mortgage loan companies to hand out mortgages to high risk clients without having to take a risk of a default payment on their bottom showed how despite the fact that everybody wants to be a homeowner, not everybody can or should be...
