MovieChat Forums > Inside Job (2010) Discussion > When will people rise up?

When will people rise up?

It is obvious that politics, financial business and academics all are recruited from a relatively small network of so called elites. Obama's administration being no different (why did I expect otherwise - because I wanted to believe). There are no dividing lines between the cronies from Harvard, Yale (skull and bones), Wall Street, Congress and various administrations.

How bad will things have to get before people in this great country will wake up and realize that the current system will not get fixed. Democrats, Republicans, MSNBC, Fox - all these things are just smoke and mirrors. A system of misinformation and entertainment to keep the masses dumb.

What to do?


It is obvious that politics, financial business and academics all are recruited from a relatively small network of so called elites. Obama's administration being no different (why did I expect otherwise - because I wanted to believe). There are no dividing lines between the cronies from Harvard, Yale (skull and bones), Wall Street, Congress and various administrations.

How bad will things have to get before people in this great country will wake up and realize that the current system will not get fixed. Democrats, Republicans, MSNBC, Fox - all these things are just smoke and mirrors. A system of misinformation and entertainment to keep the masses dumb.
People won't (rise up). And that's why the U.S. is soon to be a former superpower, China being the new one. It was predicted back in 2000 and that's exactly where we're heading. I would throw in the EU too if it wasn't for the fact that the union is doomed to fail.

The really interesting part is how the world will cope once the leading superpower is no longer a democratic one.

edit: And jokeco88 is right. Lobbying will be the end of America. Sadly, I don't see a ban taking place anytime soon.

Son, untie your father and me!
Quickly, before they return!
Hurry, Elijah!


This movie makes it very clear that once you are in, you are rich beyond your wildest dreams. How many people would not choose for such luxary? Even if its all fake, even if it is a scam. To become rich always means making other people relatively poorer. So if you wanna become rich, does it really matter that you help scam millions of people out of their money and house?

Everybody that is smart enough, in any discipline, to understand whats really going on and may have the position to change things, that can make the people rise up is getting the offer to participate. When do you think there will be enough capable people that do not choose to be richer than life but take the ethical way? Would you?


"People won't (rise up). And that's why the U.S. is soon to be a former superpower, China being the new one. It was predicted back in 2000 and that's exactly where we're heading. I would throw in the EU too if it wasn't for the fact that the union is doomed to fail. "

The EU in its current form is certainly a mess, but it'll just re-organize, and the new EU would definitely be a superpower. The manufacturing and tech-driven economies of north-central-eastern Europe are already heavily integrated as it is, with Germany as the de facto center, and their only practical direction is to continue as such- they'd never be economically viable if split up (integration is the only way they can keep par with China, basically).

I worked in Europe for a decent stretch, and your instincts are right, they definitely have their act together. Even as the US and Britain get more feudalistic, Europe and eastern Asia go in the opposite direction. And the Germans and surrounding countries weren't stupid enough to outsource their tech and manufacturing, they've held on to it and so they'll be able to ride out these economic storms better.

A reconstituted EU would probably just modify the currency regime to make sure that laggards (like Greece, Britain and Ireland), messed up by corruption and an elite that refuses to pay taxes or support the country, either stay out of the EU or use a "Euro-2" that they can devalue until they get their act together. Meanwhile, the manufacturing powerhouses, with Germany and the Scandinavians, Dutch, Belgiums, Poland, Czech Republic and that region, would stay on the "Euro-1", with tighter regulations of banks and a healthier middle-class. That's more or less happening anyway, it'll vary only around the margins basically, and the core EU very much is a superpower already.

Though I'd agree that China will be the strongest power once US power fades, they just have too much going for them and a more sensible economy that doesn't allow such ridiculous concentration of wealth, and focuses more on real goods and science. Fading US power may actually be a good thing for us, it'll help us to re-focus on the basics instead of this stupid feudalism we currently have, get rid of this legal bribery in the form of lobbyists, maybe adopt a more Europe form of democracy that's more reasoned rather than this rabid bickering where nothing gets done. The US actually had a smart model of government in previous eras like the 50s and right after the revolution that even Europe and other countries have adopted, but we went downhill in the 1980's and it's only gotten worse since.


I'd add that Spain and Italy might actually qualify for the "Euro-1" group in a re-organized EU, as their economies can be actually very resilient. Despite the corruption in Italy's government (which is getting reformed), Italy has a rather thriving export base, and Spain in particular has a pretty strong export profile and competitive companies, plus low individual debt in both cases. So they don't have the manufacturing or tech level of north-center Europe, but they might still be grouped with them (they're certainly wrongly lumped together as PIGS by the media, when each situation is different).


That upswelling we have been waiting for seems to be finally starting to happen with Occupy Wall Street (Philadelphia, Boston, Durham, San Fran, etc).

I believe this documentary is great fuel for this movement. I consider myself reasonably educated and intelligent but Finance is not my universe. I need documentaries like Inside Job and tutorials on Planet Money (NPR) to help me understand what actually happened. Yes a popular uprising is in order, but we want each individual in this movement educated, and not just bandwagoning for the fun of a good old-fashioned riot.

OCCUPY WALL STREET. Get out there and exercise YOUR RIGHT to freedom to assemble and peaceful protest!


I'm borderline aliterate--so I'm grateful for documentaries such as Inside Job. Without being educated members may end up being misguided like some who joined the Tea Party movement only to realize later that this movement appeared more interested in preserving wealth for the elite than helping middle-class Americans.




I know that there has been a good deal of discussion about how the Great Depression fits in with our economic time. As we know it was a bad bad bad time. So when I compare our era with the past I'm afraid it doesn't look like it computes. It seems to me we are a much more economically heterogenous society as opposed to back then. Oh yes some people are down and out but relatively speaking I don't think the chaos has hit us the way it did back in '29 and that 30's decade. And we do have some safety valves that didn't exist back then and this I believe helps our society to ostensibly cope better. That's why I see a disconenct between the people "out there" in the parks and those who are not demonstrating. Seems to me it's like the old saw with our society and that's that we're a polarized one, each with our own agendas. I think America will only wake up until we all truly come "beneath the wheel". That's when real economic and social revolution begins.


First, vote for Ron Paul 2012 or support any Libertarian-type candidates in any election. The problem is that the US Government is the biggest business in the world and they can print money whenever they want to. These are HUGE problems that we've been OK with for decades because everything appeared to be fine. Voting for traditional Rep. or Dem. candidates is really just perpetuating the same machine.

Second, I think it's going to take some violence for the "higher-ups" to realize how serious this is. Non-violent protest can only take things so far. It gives the status-quo time to evaluate the situation and provide an illusion of a solution. The second amendment is in the Constitution so people can have firearms for, yes protection, but also to protect themselves in case of totalitarian rule.

The current environment of corporatism in America is proof that OUR government serves the Corporations/Banks and not THE PEOPLE. Someone said it best, "Socialism for the Capitalists, and Capitalism for everyone else." How true is that? lol, it's sad. I think that's the main source of frustration at the moment.

So? What's the solution? Just for starters, lets get rid of the piggy bank of America, called the Federal Reserve. Then, let's limit the amount of control that the federal government has. With them controlling less "departments" and US tax revenue, there's less incentive for big business to get involved. Moral issues, such as the legality of gay marriage or abortion would be decided by individual states.

We can all live in the society we each dream about; If you like state healthcare, move to a state that has it. If your Pro-Life, move to a pro-life state. etc... I know this might be coming off as naive, but it sure as hell beats the current herd mentality in our country.






Truer words were never spoken...


They won't. They have to rise up at 6am tomorrow morning to go to work for these very corporations and will work late into the night. No time for a revolution.


Isn't it "people rising up againt the corrupt government" something that USA citizens seen as the lowest, like, communist-behaviour?

I'm just asking, because I grew up in a country where people where murdered and tortured by a coup d'etat right wing military goverment sponsored by CIA and Nixon-Reagan, before that we had a democracy (I never knew democracy, I was born during the dictatorship).
People here always rise up. Maybe is in our blood, or because the decades of opression and violence by aggents of the state.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


We wont...we cant. We're fat, spoiled,lazy and dumb. We're sheep. We have too much to loose to throw it away. Besides, Things here aren't bad enough. Not to mention how misinformed the majority of Americans are. Maybe if Kayne Kim Taylor and Beyonce lead the way *sarcastic

I cant believe how many people wont even entertain the idea that 911 was an Inside Job.

"The truth is like poetry and no one likes *beep* poetry"
