With the mountain of material evidence in this film, that you choose to focus on who narrated is disturbing to me.
I'm concerned that--given the serious nature of the point-blank accusations being made here--you feel strongly enough about who NARRATED the movie to take the trouble to post, but aren't interested in finding out if, in fact--as the movie purports--the banking industry knowingly and criminally brought down the economy of the world and that our government is in collusion, or at the very least, is not looking to prosecute.
To your contention that you find it hard to take the movie seriously, perhaps I can help with that: after watching this film, I did as I usually do when I see/read something clearly biased: I sought criticisms. I know that I am not an economics, finance, nor history major. There are those who are--surely there must be criticisms out there. Moreover, Charles Ferguson also made "No End In Sight," which clearly did not make GW Bush look very good, so there's potential for an agenda other than that stated with this movie. I wanted to know because these issues are very serious and, if they are portrayed accurately in the movie, can mean that the global disaster yet to come is even worse than what has already taken place; these aren't the things that get better by being ignored.
After 6 mos of 1) investigating for myself the evidence, 2) requesting criticism on economic websites where those with terminal degrees on the subject answer questions, 3) requesting the same criticisms on websites which oppose banking reform, and 4) discussing this personally with 2 economists, I can tell you that there is no criticism of the evidence presented. I found minor criticisms of things that have nothing to do with the theme--which is, of course, that our banking industry frauded us and that our government is turning a blind eye. There are ZERO criticisms of that. The criticisms I found were to do with the contention that academia could have prevented anything, regardless of whether or not they were being bought off. That's it. I also have a couple myself regarding statements made by Charles Ferguson in a Charlie Rose interview. But of the facts of the research and history??? None. Zero. In other words: it's all true.
Doesn't that bother you more than who narrated the movie?
As I read back over what I've written, I see that it can be taken in a condescending manner; I do not mean to seem condescending. You made a point you thought was valid, and I am quite seriously asking your perspective for doing so rather than figuring out if the accusations made in the movie are accurate, as that position utterly eludes me.