This was just starting to get interesting It's always the same, shows start getting good with good figures esp on Sky One in the UK and then they cancel leaving storylines in the air and no ending like Angel and Sarah Connor Why Why Why??
$4 million per episode, production costs were just too high for viewing figures that were too low, TN wasn't good enough to pull in the large audience it needed to justify itself. If you don't accept that reason you could always try ranting incoherently about Reality TV shows, all the other TN fans seem to find some comfort in doing that.
The two-hour pilot was filmed over 26 days in late November to December 2010.[3] It was shot in south-east Queensland, Australia, with locations in Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and the Gold Coast Hinterland.[14][15] The shoot was plagued by torrential rain and additional material had to be shot in 2011, with a total estimated cost of US$14 million to be amortized over the season.[4][13][16] More than 250 sets were constructed.[17] An episode took from eight to nine days to shoot, like most television dramas, but six weeks in post-production, twice the television average at the time.[3] The average episode budget was about US$4 million, not including Australian tax breaks,[4][16] compared to an average of US$3 million for broadcast network dramas.[18] Fox Entertainment president Kevin Reilly stated: "This thing is going to be huge. It's going to take an enormous production commitment."[19]
**** Following one of those numbers takes us to this link and quote
No TV, just computer. That is not a waste of money because I send money over the internet to people that need it. Also we are talking about millions upon millions vs. what I myself can do, which is not even close compared to what Hollywood wastes in money.
You choose to say it about Terra Nova, but you could say it not just about Hollywood, but any multinational cooperation or government. Even any private citizen buying a car. A car's cost can buy a hell of a lot "luxuries" for the 3rd world.
Stop being stupid. Hollywood is a business, if they used most of the money that'd feed many people for a while, sure, but they'd have no revenue to make more movies, meaning they would no longer earn money, and the poor people would be in the same situation when the food supply runs out.
Not only that, the world would lose out on a large part of common entertainment, as well as ruining cinemas, blockbusters and the likes all over the world. The movie business and subsidiaries also has millions of employees all over the world, who would be in search of other jobs.
Wasted money is wasted money. Hollywood is a different monster, policemen and firefighters don't make nearly as much as actors and especially producers, where as the former deserve it. Not to mention Hollywood's pedophilia problem is still not being taken care of because the people that run Hollywood can afford that problem (as a side note just look at the example of that kid that killed people and got off in Texas, recently).
Dealing with those problems in Hollywood and the problems of the world is more important than entertainment.
Yet you are spending time on a Hollywood-specific board. And seriously, Hollywood and pedophilia? Hollywood has many problems, but I wouldn't say pedophilia is its major flaw. The only reason why it seems like it's a major factor is the fact that actors are more in the spotlight than regular people. If you want to rant about pedophiles, maybe take a look at Christian churches for a change.
You are a shallow and fake idealist. If anything, you're coming off as quite the douche. If you care so much about starving children, why aren't you in Africa, doing volunteer work and dodging AK bullets? For me, you're all talk and no substance.
Personally, I think Hollywood is making money and employing tons of people in the process, while entertaining billions of people world-wide. I'm ok with that, probably people working in those studios are paying for your unemployment rates. You want to boycott Hollywood and network productions? Stop watching films and stay the hell off these boards!
It's not just about starving children, it's the whole system. Hollywood is part of a system that keeps the 3rd world just that. But I'll give credit where credit is due and there are some great movies out there that deal with social and political issues, along with entertaining the consumers.
I should have explained better. When you keep movies in certain places - the money to produce them comes from let's say the U.S. only or Britain only, etc... so as not to exploit workers and poverty stricken people(might as well include animals here too), that's ok. That is their money. There is just a thin line between the too, it's not always distinguishable.
I have been to a number of different places. I know about the involvement of UN and trafficking women - something along the lines depicted in the movie "The Whistleblower". I've been to poverty stricken countries/neighborhoods, I sent money to such places, but I'm only one person. I do what I can with the resources available.
The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
I get what you are saying, if only we share are resources no more hunger no more wars, just like Elton John's song Imagine. But the fact is, only 1 in hundreds if not thousands of people that willing to share, We are greed by nature, As Prince Nuada Silverlance put it "The humans have forgotten the gods, destroyed the earth and for what? Parking lots. Shopping malls. Greed has burned a hole in their heart that will never be filled. They will never have enough." Well the problem with that song is that It's only Imagination, Greedy people will always be there hogging all the money and resources squeezing the poor for every penny they had.
I'm not sure that sharing resources is the point. An unequal distribution of resources and resources that don't belong to certain people are being stolen. For example, the "mineral mining" in Africa should benefit Africans, but only a hand full of people (politicians and business leaders) benefit and are bribed. These minerals are used to make the latest electronics, the iphones and laptops, etc... and these end up on sale in U.S., European and some Asian stores, where as African kids get their hands cut off if they don't do it right or everything that goes along with that and why? because of the greed that these people, who camp out for the latest smartphones, have! you're right about the greed. The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
You seem to understand the song's lyric's intent, d-rec-t-rey, but you've made an egregious mistake about it's authorship: "Imagine" was written and first performed by John Lennon, not Elton John. These two musicians were very, very different people.
I think we, in Australia give enough of our hard earned money to the Government of these impoverished countries as it is. Of all the money that is given to these places only a small portion actually gets to the children! Go and complain to the thieving rulers and politicians in these places that steal this money from the children s mouths!
OH PLEASE?? FOX put the show on the worst TV night possible practically on the same time as monday night football(in the US) for example believe me the networks do the same to "unwanted" shows in my country as well so it´s nothing new! The answer is quite simple FOX Never even tried! And the price tag would have gone down significantly at season 2 with the sets allready built for season 1 there where more then enough viewers and the positive critique picked up again during the latter half off the season as well as viewing wich experianced a slight drop during the mid season but picked up again! And PLUS the simple fact that most "ordinary" people usually don´t watch sci fi shows that apearantly loved the show the most but sadly got in too late to change any ratings! Had they put the show shall we say on saturdays for example then it WOULD have drawn in larger audiences wich is what other and better networks usually do! And then we have their stalling when Netflix among other wanted to take over the show but got cold feet largely because off FOX bungling the reasons for this should be all to obvious! So quit blaming the price tag wich is something the "NAY" sayers off TN themselves seem to find comfort in! For me it´s really simple when it comes to TV "If I don´t like I don´t watch" I don´t try and ruin it for everyone else by bashing it ! note I am NOT accusing YOU off bashing now you DID afterall have a valid criticism! Look up the old show "Tripods" and see what happened when ONE man just did´nt like it despite a large audience and cancelled it!
So quit blaming the price tag wich is something the "NAY" sayers off TN themselves seem to find comfort in!
Actually (unlike TN fans bashing reality shows) the nay sayers rarely mention the price tag, I was just doing that to get into the kind of practicalities that FOX would be concerned with, but I see what you did there.
The show was terrible, it was trite, tedious, cliched, morally suspect (e.g. locking their daughter inside a small apartment for 8 years to escape some bureaucratic trouble, Almost everything in the show is driven by the selfishness of its characters), lazy (e.g. "Don't trust Taylor, but I'm not going to tell you why"), cringe inducing (everything with Josh especially), ridiculous, logically inconsistent (e.g. why was the big red override switch on the outside of the library right next to the keycode entry pad? Shouldn't it have been inside so that people could override the system and escape being trapped?), tonally inconsistent (e.g. outside the wall, dangerous or fishing destination for a couple of guys looking to relax? And that Taylor is strong, using only his arms to stop Jim from being dragged away by a fishy dinosaur) Godawful rubbish, that is why it failed and that is why it wasn't good enough to justify its $4 million per episode price tag.
There are plenty of other more specific posts on the board, here's one of mine (which is fairly similar to what I wrote above)
I've been watching this on Netflix now - I think Flosive has it exactly. For an expensive show, it was trite and boring, trying to click every demographic block possible and having characters that were often unsympathetic.
First of all Zoe was 5 years not 8 get your facts straight before bashing
NO TV show has EVER pulled off a perfect first season Stargate SG1 took almost 3 seasons before it started getting interesting.
Had you watched more than (probably) just a few minutes then you may have seen that.
TN wasn't perfect (name a show that is) and YES costly but those costs would have been reduced in following seasons for obvious reasons.
And I will still hold on to my opinion that "If one does not like a TV series or movie....One does not watch"
Like Battlestar Galactica re-imagined and its spin off blood & chrome and Caprica for example, trust me I tried to like them but they made me sick, they felt almost as pointless and retarded as Family Guy (Braindrain show).
True Josh was very annoying as a character and Zoe was über cute which seemed to have been her only quality though Maddy was more interesting as a sort of cliché-breaker.
FOX has a bad reputation of screwing up and cancelling shows and movies = Star Wars was almost cancelled because of similar reasons as Terra Nova.
Terra Nova was different instead of a bunch of people walking around and blasting everything that moves with ray guns it is after all rated as Family Drama NOT action.
The special effects was (for a TV show OR movie) nearly spot on, they even used a little animatronics (common with what Spielberg usually does)
True reality shows are what the ancient romans would have called "bread and entertainment for the masses" = cheap entertainment and enough fast food to keep people quiet and obedient (or at least calm).
First of all Zoe was 5 years not 8 get your facts straight before bashing
Yeah, the length of time they kept her hidden is what invalidates my point and puts me in my place
NO TV show has EVER pulled off a perfect first season Stargate SG1 took almost 3 seasons before it started getting interesting.
Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under, Dexter, Orphan Black, West Wing, Mad Men, Lost, X-Files, Firefly (although not according to the executives), Spaced, to name a few. That's more than 'NO TV', even if you disagree with some of them.
And Stargate has always been pretty bad imo, but not TN bad.
Had you watched more than (probably) just a few minutes then you may have seen that.
Like most people on this board at the time of airing (this was a very busy place back then), I found the show so hysterically awful that I had to keep on watching until the end.
The special effects was (for a TV show OR movie) nearly spot on, they even used a little animatronics (common with what Spielberg usually does)
The huge dinosaur lightly nibbling on that kid's ankle in episode 2 was particularly realistic, I thought.
Please feel free to wait another 2 years before responding
* Last seen: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) 8/10 reply share
I'm not putting you in your place simply pointing out facts.
Most TN haters usually never saw the pilot episode or just a couple of minutes of it so I wasn't sure.
Breaking bad and six feet under are perfect shows?
They were in my point of view garbage shows, Dexter was interesting mainly because it was the hero (sort of) actually being a serial killer that made it alright to watch but the others? NOT!
Firefly was good just like Terra Nova however it was sadly a FOX production and they are notoriously spineless as shown with both Terra Nova and Firefly.
the nibbling dino was realistic after a fashion, some animals like them bears in Russia started eating at a father and his daughter while both were still living.
And the dino didn't have a chance to do more than "nibble" plus it was actually one of the smaller ones or medium sized.
I loved Firefly too even though the western (Like most western genre) was a little slow most of the time.
Lost was barely understandable with all the psychological mumbo jumbo but I watched it on occasion but nothing I followed.
X-Files I liked but nothing I'd call perfect, haven't seen any of the others.
But nothing works at first.
Yes you didn't like Terra Nova and you have a right to feel that way but bashing it is unnecessary.
I hated breaking bad but I do not deny others to like or even love it. Lost was a little too much alike Twin Peaks for my liking but was okay to watch if there was nothing better to do.
Most TN haters usually never saw the pilot episode or just a couple of minutes of it so I wasn't sure.
I don't know where you got that impression, from my experience all those years ago on this board, the majority of people who didn't like TN would give very detailed reasons why not, and most of those reasons would span multiple episodes. If you want an example of that, just reread the post of mine that you responded to yesterday.
And Breaking Bad was garbage? We view the world through very different sets of eyes (and you unnecessarily bashed one of my favourite shows! etc.).
I think you should have followed (and should follow now) your own advice when it comes to things you don't like (instead of just telling me to do it). If you didn't like what I wrote 2 years ago, then you should have stopped reading and you should not have taken the time to respond.
* Last seen: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) 8/10 reply share
For me it´s really simple when it comes to TV "If I don´t like I don´t watch" I don´t try and ruin it for everyone else by bashing it ! note I am NOT accusing YOU off bashing now you DID afterall have a valid criticism! Look up the old show "Tripods" and see what happened when ONE man just did´nt like it despite a large audience and cancelled it!
Are you referring to Michael Grade? The man who just happened to be Controller of BBC1 at the time and therefore the ONE man in charge of programming? That's not exactly the same as a lone voice "bashing" away on the internet. Yes, Grade didn't like Tripods but the viewing figures were getting low so that gave him a valid excuse to cancel. He also cancelled Doctor Who which had been going steadily downhill since John Nathan Turner (RIP) started running the show.
Lol...I just have to point out a slight bit of irony at my expense :P
It did have it's nice long run though, great show, very 'out there' ^_^...just like my personal favorite's Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis!....Stargate Universe on the other hand did NOT! that show needs to be completed! and Terra Nova continued...IMHO I went completely off subject =D...don't mind me... ::waves and walks away::
FOX put the show on the worst TV night possible practically on the same time as monday night football(in the US) for example believe me the networks do the same to "unwanted" shows in my country as well so it´s nothing new!
And one last thing, it's my understanding (any Americans please correct me if I'm wrong about this) Monday nights are considered to be the ultimate primetime slot in America. The rational being, I'd imagine, that it's just after the weekend and everyone is indoors. I know that the 'How I Met Your Mother' team are very very very happy to have kept that slot for their entire run.
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Here in the US Mondays are not the ultimate time slot. Thursday is considered the best night to put shows on. Same with Sundays. The thinking is people stay home Thursday night before going out Friday and Saturday nights. And that Sunday is the recovery night.
Putting anything against Monday night football here because its such a ratings juggernaut is just asking to get your shows cancelled. They tend to put shows that have been around for a while in those slots. As a side note any show that's put on Friday night is probably A: Studio wants it to fail or B: Its last chance to ring its ratings up.
Fair enough, thanks for that. I was basing my info on the time Alyson Hannigan said the 'How I Met Your Mother' team were thrilled to have held onto their prime Monday night timeslot for the entire run, perhaps it's because they can grab the anti-football demographic
Beats me. I thought it was a great show and it really did stop just as it was getting good. I hated the ending for Angel-at least this show got a little bit of a better finish.
Oh I got this one. It was canceled because it was quite possibly one of the most stupid shows ever created. The plot, human race *beep* up our planet so they move to another and immediately start destroying the place. The main guy is such a douche from the beginning, then he's like we need a dino runner for the hall. It was a window to the soul of the *beep* of people who created this for even more *beep* up people who enjoyed this s*it. What the Hell is wrong with people, if this show did not offend you then you are sick.
Well to put it simply, it was a bad show. Lazy writing that played it safe, substandard fx, and stiff uninspired acting.
Terra Nova actually had a pretty sizable audience, but the numbers were going down and the rumors were that the execs at Fox weren't happy w/ the final product anyway. So-so ratings + lukewarm critical reviews = cancelled show.
I doubt it... I stopped watching after the 5th episode, well it wasn't bad but that's just about it. Its like a fusion of the lost world X stargate series(not the movie) but mostly about the bad parts from the two. Btw I love both of it and still does not find this series appealing.
Has been producer: Spielberg who hasn't done anything worthwhile since B.o.B. Idiot writer/director: Brannon bragga.
Horrible writing: See brannon braga Idiotic plot points: Security bypass that a child could use on the wrong side of the door. Racist characters: Typical for bragga. Terrible CGI
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lol I like people like you who thinks they know everything about a movie business putting down people with accomplishments while you do nothing but work at mcdonalds and eat cheetoes on the couch
My opinion. Crappy actors reciting crappy dialog with crappy looking paste on faces. I KNEW that it wasn't going to work, when I couldn't even get thru the pilot with out having to close my eyes every now and then to avoid the Hypno-Lang stare. When a key character in a series isn't chosen right, the death dirge starts playing.