Titanic Vs Titanic 2

I just finished watching Titanic 2, and I can honestly say it is really bad compared to Titanic.

I feel that Leo did a much better job than Shane Van Dyke in the heroic role.
There may be some people out there that may prefer Titanic 2 but it was not for me, it was really poor.

What are your opinions comparing the 2 films?


There is no comparison. On any level. This was a total waste of everybody's time and should never have been made. It's not even watchable on a "so-bad-it's-good" level.

It's awful, terrible, tragic, dreadful, appaling, dire, horrible, vile, ghastly... and after that my Microsoft thesaurus runs out of words.

It should be preceded with a warning: "This film contains scenes which any thinking person would find appaling. Do not watch this film."

James Cameron's Titanic, for all its faults, is a carefully crafted piece of cinematic entertainment.

That's all I have to say, I'm off for a lie down now.

It's all very clear to me now. The whole thing. It's wonderful.


It's awful, terrible, tragic, dreadful, appaling, dire, horrible, vile, ghastly... and after that my Microsoft thesaurus runs out of words.

It should be preceded with a warning: "This film contains scenes which any thinking person would find appaling. Do not watch this film."
...and yet despite all that, it's still better then James Cameron's!!!

You're from the future?Well that's brilliant!Do they still have sandwiches there?


Comparing the two films? Is...is that a joke? Are you trying to make a funny?

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


One good thing I can say about "Titanic 2": no annoying love ballad sung by Celine Dion!!

Oh, and "Titanic II" is a hell of a lot shorter than Cameron's.

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


Dude, that annoying love ballad is a *beep* good song. What are you going to say now? Bob Seger sucks? cuz if you do i sure as hell wouldn't want to be u if i meet Bob Seger.


You. Have. Got. To. Be. Joking.


Titanic II was absolutely worthless. (I did get a few laughs in the beginning as they tried to make the Queen Marygound? look like Titanic! Just have someone keep standing in the way so it looks like there are four smoke stacks!!)

Were ALL the passengers AND crew under 30? Did they all need to keep referring to the ship as a 'boat'?! And what's with the toothless Coast Guard guy back at headquarters??

I had to turn this off half way in. Useless and a waste of money.


i tought titanic 2 whas better better acting and better cast and focused more and the drama titanic 1 whas more of a comedy like the funny scene where he sais never let go but then he dies like wha wha wha whaaaa

are you gonna bark all day little doggy or are you gonna bite


If you're going to troll the internet:

1) don't do it on iMDB. There's much better places to do so.

2) trolling is a fine line between being perceived as serious and obviously faking it. Sadly, you go way off, as it's obvious no one can have such a stupid opinion.


Titanic even with any imperfections is very good beautifully crafted visually and has a truly riveting final act. Titanic II however, while not as abysmal as the 2001 animated abomination which had countless rip-offs and a rapping dog of all things, is a waste of time, I wasn't expecting an accurate film but at least an entertaining voyage, but due to some dreadful writing and some of the worst effects I've seen especially it was little more than a shipwreck.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


This got short changed in the Oscars. I don't know which movie beat it, but it certainly didn't deserve to.


titanic II had a faster pace


Titanic 1: "You jump, I jump."

Titanic 2: "Ok, I'll go with you."


yeah LOL very funny dude........NOT!!!!!

Her death will be a mystery even to me
