Danny McBride

Dude is money, easily the best character actor we have going right now, his delivery is flawless. Anyone think he can handle a starring role though?

"You're killin' me Smalls!"


he is aces but if he strikes once more he ll
be back selling his ast at the train station
it frequently gets
too -weird- for me
RIP HST 1937..2005


He'll be imortalized for his role as Kenny Powers. EB&D is modern day Shakespearian tragedy.

"When you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all."


ive never seen it
it frequently gets
too -weird- for me
RIP HST 1937..2005


^^ Me speaking to the thread in general

"When you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all."


Thought he was hilarious in Your Highness.


Danny is hilarious! I can't get enough of him.


personally, i like him, i used to work with a guy that Looked & Talked EXACTLY like Kenny Powers.. all that was missing was that sweet mullet lol

and the funny thing was he had never even seen Eastbound And Down, had no idea who Kenny Powers was


two danny mcbride movies i watched recently: Your Highness & this movie.. i thought Your Highness was pretty dull, and 30 Minutes Or Less was pretty funny

(note: i was really stoned when i watched both)


I agree that he isn't much of a character's actor and I believe many of his roles has been written specificaly for him.
''Your Highness'' was flat and pretty boring but I'm a huge fan of ''Eastbound & Down'' and I was so happy when I heard they were making a 3rd season.

That clip from Funny Or Die is hilarious:



I'm in agreement with purplerick13. I don't find him funny. His humor reminds me of a line from Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy, "the big bucks are in dick and fart jokes". His recent career seems to revolve around that idea. Your Highness was far worse than this film though, to be fair.


Did anybody remember him as Rico in Hot Rod? Everyone in that movie is hilarious and Rico was one of my favorite characters.


"Who am I supposed to build ramps for?! WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO BUILD RAMPS FOR NOW?!" as he flexes for no reason...glad someone finally mentioned Hot Rod...

"dude i dont care i just love this movie you guys have a realy taste in movies what wrong with you"


OH GOD NO! This movie was very unfunny, I had no idea about the real tragedy or any of it til i saw it on the imdb boards but this movie was plain terrible. The jokes were not funny. DANNY MCBRIDE specifically is not funny. He's worse than Adam Sandler or Dane Cook, both of whom I cannot stand.


I found the movie pretty funny. Danny McBride, on the other hand, was the worst part of it. He feel he needs to drop a ton of F-Bombs and dick jokes to make it seem like he's a comedian. I guess that's just not my taste and find it more of an annoyance. If they can keep his roles limited (Tropic Thunder), then it isn't nearly as bad.


all his characters are usually the same as well as obnoxious and irritating. dont care much abt him

