MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Her accent is terrible!

Her accent is terrible!

I feel like I'm in a surreal land. I wanna shout, "The emperor has no clothes on!" as everyone around seems to be giving Portman outlandish accolades for her accent & portrayal of Jackie.

Her accent is the worst imitation of Jackie I've ever heard! It truly is. Have these other people never heard Jackie? The sounds coming out of Portman's mouth sound like she's got a serious medical condition. Jackie was merely really feminine and spoke with a soft voice. Other than that, she spoke like a normal person!

I think it's just that Portman is popular right now, so people seem to think more highly of her work, just because they like her.


I'm watching it right now, and there's something very robotic about Natalie's acting. I started looking for real Jackie videos and she sounded robotic aswell. I guess it worked. But is just not interesting for a movie character.


I couldn't agree more, Natalie Portman is one of the worst actors in existence and this was a terrible performance with a horrific accent that truly sounds nothing like Jackie O.


Hmmm... according to linguists it was spot on.


I thought she was great. Any fault with an accent belongs to the director. She's a great actress. Have you seen Leon the Professional? She was just 14 when it was made. Great movie!


You people are idiots. It's a perfect Atlantic-NE accent.



I agree with the OP. I find her imitation of Jackie's manners and way of speaking - and not just the accent - sometimes almost painful to watch. It is one thing for an actor to try to adopt the accent and manners of the character she plays in order to be true to actual life and history. But if one does it poorly or carries it to excess it becomes mimicry rather than acting. It might be compared to someone mimicking a foreigner by exaggerating his accent and pronunciations with the intention to mock or ridicule (like Pepé Le Pew in the cartoons), or students trying to imitate the manners and speech of their school principal to generate a laugh. Of course, I am sure that was not the intention of the filmmakers or of Natalie Portman. However, the way she acted and especially spoke was so exaggerated and unnatural that it came dangerously close to that.


She sounds exactly right to me listening to the woman herself


I couldn't make it 20 minute into this movie because of her accent.


When you listen to the real Jackie speaking and compare it to what Natalie did, she did a great job.

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I love Jackie's famed 1940s Transatlantic accent!
