I actually enjoyed it

Not sure it has much rewatch value though.


Same here. I was apprehensive cause I didn't like the trailer, but it was quite watchable.


Glad to see I'm not alone in enjoying this movie.

The trailer made it look like a meh film, so, I didn't want to waste money on it without seeing it first. I just DVR'd it when it premiered on Cinemax last weekend. It is certainly better than the trailer makes it out to be. It may be one of those movies were a rewatch every year or two would work. So, I may wait until the digital/streaming version is a little cheaper, or see if it pops up in the bargain bin (enough of Vin's movies seem to end up there).

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho



Just watched it, this was a lot of fun.


Yep, when it came in the mail from Netflix I wondered how it ever got in my queue. Not bad. Recognized the girl from Game of Thrones. Missed Elijah Wood until the closing credits then went back, yep that's him.

Well paced with some good CGI. Interesting characters. Seemed to hit a soft spot near the end but then picked up for a good finish.


It was a nice movie , most of the people who hate this movie is becasue of the high expectation they had.if you didnt have that much expectation then its a good movie .
