I actually enjoyed it

Not sure it has much rewatch value though.


I just watched it twice and didn't fast-forward thru it at all. I like it! I feel like I did when I saw Death Race and Dredd; I just like it a lot.


Everytime I saw this trailer before a movie, I'd groan and complain. I thought it looked like an abomination. But now that I finally gave it a shot, I didn't hate it! Somewhat enjoyable, actually. Impressive visuals along with some cool set pieces and fun action sequences made for an all around okay movie! A pure popcorn flick.


I actually liked this flick---well made and thoughtful, and the characters had these funny one liners, too. It was pretty damn entertaining---pretty much everything you'd want in a fantasy horror action flick. Plus the offbeat casting choice of Diesel as the witch hunter made it a little more interesting then usual, since he has a unique look and strong presence. They could have cut down of some of the CGI special effects (some of which were pretty imaginative (like when Calder--the witch hunter----knocked himself out with a memory pill, blew his breath, and watched those beautiful green snowflakes fall gently down around him.) Kind of made me wish I'd seen it when it came out, because it was heavily promoted on TV and everything. Guess I thought it would be just another lame monster CGI-fest, but I also liked how there were these quiet scenes in between the action----the film had sort of a European feel to it. Anyway, a decent and thoughtful fantasy action flick worth watching.


I agree


I liked it too. 7/10.

It had some terrible dialogue and some typical Diesel-isms, but it was good. Hopefully the sequel can expand on it and it can turn into a good trilogy.


Just watched it. I agree with everything you've said 100%.


I didn't think it was all that bad.


I thought it was killer. Glad to see that they might make a sequel--there's a page for a sequel here on IMDb.


Nice! A sequel will be very welcome.

I really liked this movie. Dispelling magic and such. Nice action. Every character adds something. It didn't bore me for a second.


It was ok - as you said not a 'keeper' for rewatching ...

I wish Diesel knew how to act more natural and down-to-earth instead of spouting know-it-all machismo lines with that deep-scratchy whisper - which I guess is what one described as typical 'deisel-isms' . . .

There was a lot of good DG's . . .


I really liked it! Great backstory, terrifically filmed. Much better than I expected!

You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets!


I really liked it! Great backstory, terrifically filmed.

Total agreement! Not a great "masterpiece of cinema" but a very well done and enjoyable popcorn movie. And for all those who are trashing it here on the board, enough people liked it that there is a sequel being made. So it was not only a good popcorn movie but was successful in what the director/writers wanted it to do.

I will certainly look forward to watching the sequel.

Be who you are. Everyone else is already taken.


Yep, add me to the list. I thought it was ok, not something to rewatch but worth the initial couple hours.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
