In the beginning this movie had potential even though the special effects were cheesy. Unfortunately the movie keep getting worse as time passed by. The acting, directing and editing was horrific. Anyone who thinks this movie is good probably thinks the movie 'In The Name of The king' is a good movie. The only reason why I watched the whole thing was because I paid to rent it.
Certainly the movie has its detractors but this is hardly one of the "worst" films ever seen. I'll take this over the Hobbit films' repetitive "battle porn" rinse-and-repeat sequences any day.
The acting in this? Ok, I'll give it to you...Vin Diesel is no Daniel Day-Lewis. But the film doesn't require him to be. The special effects were fine...nothing wrong with them. The directing? Nothing "horrific" about it, but certainly nothing memorable.
All in all, it's a fairly typical film in this genre....not especially memorable, but hardly awful.
I suppose I am in the minority then, cause I didn't find it all that bad. Vin Diesel is Vin don't expect Oscar-winning acting from him. Also, the focus was not on his acting to carry the film...not that kind of movie. The "acting" is not showcased's a typical fantasy film. For example, is there great acting in the Hobbit films? Not exactly...but no one singles out the acting in those films.
TLWH is certainly nothing great but there are far worse films out there.
Moviefool, Vin Diesel sucks in this but is excellent in the Riddick movies. THat character is made for him. His acting is very flawed in certain roles and this was one of them. Let alone an AWFUL screenplay, terrible action scenes, and just an overall stupid movie.
Moviefool, Vin Diesel sucks in this but is excellent in the Riddick movies. THat character is made for him. His acting is very flawed in certain roles and this was one of them. Let alone an AWFUL screenplay, terrible action scenes, and just an overall stupid movie.
I give it to you that Vin was perhaps miscast in this film. But, for me, it didn't make that much of a difference, since this was primarily a typical fantasy film and I don't see fantasy films for 'great acting'. I thought Rose Leslie was actually pretty good and brought a lot of energy to the film.
For me, it was kind of bleh....but didn't find it as awful as you and others have.
"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"
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I didn't find this movie all that great but hardly the worst of the year.
Exactly. The film is a fairly vanilla and pedestrian fantasy film, certainly nothing remarkable but nothing offensive or horrible. It's watchable but I don't think I'd see it again.
"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"
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Yeah, Ive seen movies that truly sucked, and TLH definitely wasn't one of them. I actually enjoyed this far more than I thought I would, mainly because the acting was very good, there was some quiet humor from Diesel's character,and the action kicked a** (even though some of the CGI was to disgusting and gross to watch at points, like when people were changing into different things---yuck.) Anyway, this film just felt and looked more mature than the usual type of fantasy film I've seen---it almost had a European feel to it, despite the fact that it was actually shot in Pennsylvania and California. It was pretty good---better than it's given credit for,I think.
Must agree my brother hated it and i didnt like it either. The acting, directing and editing was horrific. Vin Diesel just wandered through this to pick up his pay cheque at the end. How it has a rating higher than 3 is anybodys guess - I guess those call centres in India and Pakistan have been working hard creating false profiles and voting for this ordure!
This one was surprisingly good (well, I didn't expect much) and much better than Season of the Witch. Reminded me of Blade actually. Whether that's a good thing or not is not mine to say.
I enjoyed it. Not the best movie in the world but entertaining enough. I wonder sometimes, when i see people saying that an average movie is so extremely horrible, what wonderful luck that person has had to have never seen a truly awful movie. Good for you!