Better than expected

Went and caught this tonight. It's been seven years since Jackie Chan was in a major English-language film so I figured I'd give it a look.

I went into it with low expectations and ended up being pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I expected it to just be a pure action movie with a simple and predictable plot. However, while there is a fair amount of action, it's actually just as much of a political thriller as it is an action film.

Old Man Chan does a pretty good job, but don't expect a ton of fist fighting. There are a couple of hand-to-hand scenes but most of the film he is doing shit like setting off homemade bombs and catching people in booby traps.

The real show-stealer here is Pierce Brosnan. He does a hell of a job as an ex-IRA-leader-turned-politician who still has ties to his former organization. Brosnan has seemed pretty far away from the spotlight for several years now so it was good to see him on the big screen again.

The director here is Martin Campbell. If the name doesn't jump out to you, he also made movies like Casino Royale, GoldenEye, The Mask of Zorro and the underrated stupid-fun Vertical Limit.

My one major complaint is that the story is convoluted. There are a lot of twists and turns and a lot of double-crossing going on and it gets a little out of control the more the story develops. This is probably a film you'd need to watch at least twice to really understand all the plot details.

All in all though, I enjoyed it. The story, while a bit too complicated, is at least more ambitious than the typical action fare, Brosnan gives an awesome performance, and it's fun to see an aged Jackie Chan whoop some ass.



thanks for the info


I'd say this is a pretty good assessment. Saw this yesterday and rather liked it as well, especially Pierce Brosnan.


Yeah, it was well acted and the plot was actually quite good. Not as much martial arts as I was expecting but good action movie nonetheless.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I am surprised this is getting good buzz


Why is that?


I have never taken Jackie Chan movies seriously to be honest


Yeah, well that is your problem.


Great review , I mostly agree. Pierce Brosnan was riveting, het put so much boiled energy in his performance. He really seemed frustrated and despared. Jackie Chan was very good as a silent counterpiece. His acting was very understated.

I'd give it 8/10 because of those performances.

ps: Edge of Darkness is also underrated another high impact political thriller with an excellent role from Mel Gibson


I'll have to check out Edge of Darkness. I've always been a fantasy of Mel but that's one I never got to.


hey PrimeMinisterX!

Yes it's very good, Campbell is such a good director! Let me know what you think



The action bits and the pacing of the film was spot on... But the performances were amazing! Wow... They brought their A-game to a basic action thriller...

Brosnan in particular... So good...

The premise and context of the movie are absurd, but the execution of this movie is solid...


Really enjoyed this tbh :)

Much better than i expected it to be !
