MovieChat Forums > Savages (2012) Discussion > So, Ophelia couldn't tell that she'd bee...

So, Ophelia couldn't tell that she'd been ... (spoilers)

Raped? Until Lado showed her the video? I wonder if that scene was just there as a setup so Ophelia could put the final bullet in him.

*Edit: I know he drugged her it's just I think when she woke up she might have had some empirical evidence.


i could only think of that she was drugged that one night. maybe it happened that night

And I'm sharing in the Weekapaug Groove



He was also saying she was missing the best part, which I assume he came deep inside? :)


When you've been as boned as often as that girl, it's likely that anything short of a video would be wasted on her.

"We totally did it"

"No way"

"Hell yes, I even raped you"

"No way. I felt nothing"

"I have video"

"Must be edited. I still feel nothing."

"You're even pregnant"

"No way!! I...." PLOP. "Well, son of a....."


Thanks for making me laugh Jake.


I agree, very funny Jake, still giggling about that!

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


Agree, she got DPd by two stoned dickheads over and over again, not like she couldn't handle one at a time without noticing.




When you've been as boned as often as that girl, it's likely that anything short of a video would be wasted on her.

"We totally did it"

"No way"

"Hell yes, I even raped you"

"No way. I felt nothing"

"I have video"

"Must be edited. I still feel nothing."

"You're even pregnant"

"No way!! I...." PLOP. "Well, son of a....."



When you've been as boned as often as that girl, it's likely that anything short of a video would be wasted on her.

"We totally did it"

"No way"

"Hell yes, I even raped you"

"No way. I felt nothing"

"I have video"

"Must be edited. I still feel nothing."

"You're even pregnant"

"No way!! I...." PLOP. "Well, son of a....."


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I thought the same thing.. I was sure throughout the whole movie that he was raping her, so wasn't suprised when he showed her the video.. He wasn't exactly being gentle, there should have been bruises etc to at least make her suspicious..

You're Perfect Yes It's True.... But Without Me You're Only You


Maybe it wasn't rape. O was a total ho', so I'm sure she was having consensual sex with Lado the whole time, except now he had it on video to share with Ben and Chon.

I've been going through your package sergeant. Do you mind my looking over your package?


Yeah, it was totally her fault. Because she bones two guys she loves, anyone should be able to have sex with her. In fact, it was probably the way she was dressed. Just asking for it. Like the mannequins in the mall at Victoria Secret? I bet they get raped all the time for dressing like that. Totally just begging for it.



In one earlier scene, they did show her with large scrapes on her neck that she did not have previously. The video that he had did show him shoving her up against a chain link fence in the same region.


still doesn't explain how she didn't remember it

makes no sense to me, in no point in the movie she was wasted to the point of no conscience

that was one of the many plot holes


She was a whore anyway.


so whores should be raped?


NoOOOOOO! I was just giving a theory as to why she could not tell she'd been ****.


or i see

still doesn't explain, if she didn't feel the rape if that you're suggesting, if you're know what i mean

she was screaming and crying in the video, is not like she wasn't aware of it

if she was asleep or knocked out would make sense


Based on the circumstances I assumed some sort of date rape drug was used. Sadly, considering how often this happens in real life it is not only possible but also incredibly scary that more people aren't aware of this particular side effect.

(roofies, 'date-rape' drug)

Rohypnol is a prescription-only sedative that has been used in many 'date rapes' in the US, with cases now being reported in Europe and Australia.

Rohypnol's medical use is as a pre-operation anaesthetic or strong sleeping pill, but stronger doses can bring on AMNESIA. It takes effect very quickly - sometimes as quick as 10 minutes after being taken - and reaches its peak eight hours later when it can render a person totally unconscious. It's about ten times stronger than Valium.

Coming in the form of a tasteless and odourless pill which is easily ground down into powder, rohypnol has gained notoriety as the 'date rape' drug, after victims have been incapacitated and sexually assaulted after having their drinks spiked. All traces of the drug disappear after 24 hours making prosecution difficult.

Source: Urban75 Drug Information website


Im impressed by so much ignorance on this topic in this forum. Girls getting drugged and raped, and waking up with no memory of what happened, is a well known crime. "Never leave your drink unattended" was a precaution of girls as normal as buckling up while driving. At least in my nightclubbing days.


Having sex with two guys does not make you a whore. It also does not make you so loose that you wouldn't feel that you had been raped (as all you pigs are implying in this thread.)


I agree jayyyxem. She had sex with two men who knew about each other and were perfectly fine with it, but this makes her a whore. However, if the romantic trio involved two women and one man it would be perfectly fine. Double standard much? And just because a woman chooses to have sex with two men, twenty men, 50 men, she's a whore? Grow up! Women can enjoy sex and have as many partners as men do and that does NOT make her a whore!


Yes, thank you. The sexism on this board is crazy.


I agree , and immaturity and low iq's


A key that opens many locks is a master key
A lock that is opened by many keys is a *beep* lock.

Another thing to think about is how many women are attracted to confident sexually experienced males. Just look at the latest RnB videos. Marketed with beautiful women all over men... Why? Becuase it sells more records to females. They are attracted to it.

Ask a man how he feels about a woman who sleeps with loads of men and its definitely a turn off. Its sexist as *beep* but that's how most guys feel. I feel like that. I cant help it. Its no attractive. Dont blame me though, blame biology.


I was about to type that exact thing.

And where was it stated that she took DP? She just loved them both so had sex with them both. Not necessarily at the same time either!

I'm a guy btw so not doing the 'wimmens rights' stuff just being realistic


Actually it really, really does make you a whore. It also shows that the men involved either lack self esteem (the stoner) and believe there's no other way to GET a chick that hot; or gay and DEEEEEEP in the closet but with no way to deal with that except "balls aren;t touching, d00d, so it's nohomo" threesomes, like the other guy.


Actually, it means none of these things. Nice try, though!


cool, victim blaming.


That's what "rape culture" enables victim blaming. Of course, it works best when the victim is female. Smh...


Maybe it's just me, but I figured that she knew she got raped ... her surprise was towards the fact that he recorded it to give her the incentive to let him make a clean getaway ... she clearly didn't want Chon and Ben to find out and that would have been enough to make an escape happen ...


date rape drug.. causes memory loss, many dont remmeber. are most of you guys stupid or what?


Ikr? Obviously she was drugged, so she didn't put up much of a struggle, so he didn't really need to get rough with her. And even if it appeared that she was "present" while the rape was occurring, if she was drugged, she would not clearly remember what had happened. If you remember she was asleep right afterwards, and Del Toro's character told the young male that was taking care of her, "Wake her up in 6 hours and have (the other female character that was helping take care of her, can't remember her name, since she was a minimal character) clean her up." I would assume "clean her up" meant "wash away any traces of evidence." And if she were drugged, I don't think there'd be many bruises, since no struggle would have been involved. Think about it.


I agree. Even though she was drugged, if she was effed that hard, she would have been super sore afterward. Unless she was knocked out for days after the rape.


She's a whore because she had a threesome with two men? Y'all need to get out of 1935. A woman who likes sex doesn't have to be a slut OR deserved to get raped. Get a f__king grip; you sound like a Freud case study.


Exactly, EverythigInItsRightPlace! She had sex with two men who knew about each other and were perfectly fine with it, but this makes her a whore. However, if the romantic trio involved two women and one man it would be perfectly fine. Double standard much? And just because a woman chooses to have sex with two men, twenty men, 50 men, she's a whore? Grow up! Women can enjoy sex and have as many partners as men do and that does NOT make her a whore! And I agree with EverythingInItsRightPlace's comment about not deserving to get raped as well.


No one ever questions Hugh Hefner, but they ALWAYS question his girlfriends. It's BS.



but what's the median number of sexual partners for a typical whore?


I usually feel alot of compassion towards women rape victims in movies. but in this one, blake lively's character gave me no reason to give her compassion. her bad acting made me feel nothing.


I assumed he raped her after he got her high and before he had the woman wash her up.
