MovieChat Forums > Rubber (2010) Discussion > I rather enjoyed this.

I rather enjoyed this.

I read several users reviews about how bad it was, so I didn't have the highest of hopes going in. But let me say during the movie I could not stop smiling, I laughed uncontrollably during this movie. I honestly loved every frame of this movie. Never once did I lose interest in the film. I loved the absurdity of the entire movie and thought the plot and sub plot were pure gold.

I've seen how several people have complained about how meaningless the movie is, and well that is the point. In real life most of the things we do don't have any point, so why should a movie be any different?

My only gripe was that it was too short, I wish it would have gone on longer.

Anyways I'm glad I ditched my friends (who went to line up for the Hangover 2) and went to see this instead.

You won't be saved.


I made it about half way, went and did something else and totally forgot I was watching a film and moved on. That kind of somes it up for me. Had promise, liked the whole thing with the audience watching the story unfold but it was just...meh.


I actually really didn't like this movie at all. I like the idea, it has a good premise. But poor execution beyond that, and a lot of the gags that followed to develop the idea, were just plain bad.


God, I'm glad somebody else enjoyed it. I found it incredibly amusing.


I liked it. I didn't intend to. I heard about it and my daughter and I decided to see just how lame it must be, so we netflixed it. I want to say that about the time he realized he could squish things by rolling over them, we looked at each other with our eyebrows up....when he started blowing things up we did it again..and then when he was joyfully swerving down the road we both burst out laughing, I said "Awww look..." and she finished "He's all happy!" and from that point on we had to find out what happened to the weird little tire. And interestingly, we took to calling him "Bob" because to us he just looked like a Bob. Of course we were tickled to find out his name was "robert" lol.

Seriously, I thought it was engaging and absurd and loaded with ridiculous symbolism and I actually liked it.

"...asleep in lifes waiting room."


and then when he was joyfully swerving down the road
My favorite moment of the movie, it's perfection!


me too man. I thought it was great. it kept my interest and I laughed the whole time.


This movie was great. I just don't think some people got it. Or maybe they did and didn't like what it had to offer. I thought the performances (including the tire's) were all great as well the cinematography. Watch it if you love movies.


I think that people that watched it and expected a regular movie didn't get what the joke was and hence did not enjoy it. If people read it was 'bad' and absurd they were prepared and could enjoy it. Expectations can make or break a movie experience. Especially an off-beat movie like this


I read about it beforehand and knew what to expect. I didn't enjoy the film, but it wasn't b/c I "didn't get the joke".


I agree, Toby! I saw all these 'omg this suckkkcs' threads before watching it. But like you, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I find it funny that so many comments on IMDb are complaining that the movie is taking itself way too seriously...when I think they the spectators are the ones taking it too seriously! It was supposed to be absurd and ridiculous, like you other things as well under the surface.

I mean even the kid at the beginning. "This is boring." I was realizing right at that moment that I was bored, too, b/c nothing had happened yet. then the kid said it as if he read my mind. A lot of it was intentional. And absurd.

Thumbs up from me.

And come on, how can you not love the cute little tire taking a shower haha.


That kid saying "this is boring" before the initial conflict-setup even happened was clearly intended to represent the theoretical lowest-common-denominator audience that Hollywood has to appease in order for virtually any film project to get off the ground. The "audience" is you, the "audience" is us ... unless I choose to not accept the offer of the "turkey" (then I am punished for that kind of independent, not-joining-the-crowd choice).

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


So how drunk or high were you when you watched it?

I seriously tried hard to like this movie and find the humor in every bit of it...but it was simply a waste of time. Even considering the symbolism that took place made me mad for the lack of talent and execution of illustrating the symbolism.

"people have complained about how meaningless the movie is, and well that is the point. In real life most of the things we do don't have any point, so why should a movie be any different?"

False. Most of the things people do in life DO have a point (those of us with jobs at least); and why should a movie be any different you ask? Because people put faith in the filmmakers by giving them their money and time, and expect something in return. Not "meaninglessness". Also, exactly how is it possible for something meaningless to have a point? Doesn't the fact that it has a point create meaning for itself?

No, this movie wasn't meaningless, it was downright worthless. When a movie tries to be good, that's great; when a movie tries to be bad, that's funny; but when a movie tries to be worthless (which is different from just trying to be bad), its annoying. This is the only film I've ever seen that actually tried to be worthless. And it succeeded. In a bad way.

"You could trouble me for a warm glass of Shut The Hell Up!"


So how drunk or high were you when you watched it?

Good one bro, I "lol'd".

Even considering the symbolism that took place made me mad for the lack of talent and execution of illustrating the symbolism.

This is very poorly written and makes no sense what so ever.

False. Most of the things people do in life DO have a point (those of us with jobs at least)

Not really, allot of menial things people do daily, don't have any point. I'm sure there are things you do everyday that have no motivation or goal. You simply dismiss them because you are thinking about the more important things. By the way, is it difficult to deep fry french fries?

Because people put faith in the filmmakers by giving them their money and time, and expect something in return.

Who are these "people" you are referring to? If you mean producers, I suggest you learn how an independent movie gets financed. Do you really think a person can walk into a film investor's office with just an idea and get funded instantly. Do you really think the investor is just going to pour their money in a project without knowing anything about it? I wish, I could make tons and tons of movies if that were true. Its obvious that nobody would invest into anything without knowing every detail about the project. Wherever this film got its financing, the financiers knew what they were getting into. "People" don't "expect" something in return, they know very damn well what they are going to get in return.

That being said, I'm sure the investors for this film weren't looking for a summer block buster, they simply wanted to back an original film idea, that was made for the sole purpose of entertainment.

No, this movie wasn't meaningless, it was downright worthless.

If the movie was "worthless" its safe to assume it was a waste of time for you. So why devote more time into the film by coming onto the boards and writing about it? Maybe your time is worthless? Maybe you and the movie have much more in common than you thought?

You won't be saved.


"Lost in Translation" was another film that tried to be worthless.


The film is indeed very good. And like most good indie films, not too many people get it. It's because of the kind of turkey they are usually served.

The dialogue when the sergeant tells the other officers they can go home, since no-one is watching anymore, is genius. "Stop acting like this is real life. You have a stuffed toy alligator under your arm." And the guy goes, "So?" It's depressing, but it's a spot-on depiction of the world we live in.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


From the start, a character directly tells the audience there is no reason behind this film. Did Dupieux achieve his goal? HELL YES. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I watched this with a few of my friends, and the only person that liked it with me has a similar sense of humor to mine. It was a riot. A fun ride.

Films are my only friends.
