So how drunk or high were you when you watched it?
Good one bro, I "lol'd".
Even considering the symbolism that took place made me mad for the lack of talent and execution of illustrating the symbolism.
This is very poorly written and makes no sense what so ever.
False. Most of the things people do in life DO have a point (those of us with jobs at least)
Not really, allot of menial things people do daily, don't have any point. I'm sure there are things you do everyday that have no motivation or goal. You simply dismiss them because you are thinking about the more important things. By the way, is it difficult to deep fry french fries?
Because people put faith in the filmmakers by giving them their money and time, and expect something in return.
Who are these "people" you are referring to? If you mean producers, I suggest you learn how an independent movie gets financed. Do you really think a person can walk into a film investor's office with just an idea and get funded instantly. Do you really think the investor is just going to pour their money in a project without knowing anything about it? I wish, I could make tons and tons of movies if that were true. Its obvious that nobody would invest into anything without knowing every detail about the project. Wherever this film got its financing, the financiers knew what they were getting into. "People" don't "expect" something in return, they know very damn well what they are going to get in return.
That being said, I'm sure the investors for this film weren't looking for a summer block buster, they simply wanted to back an original film idea, that was made for the sole purpose of entertainment.
No, this movie wasn't meaningless, it was downright worthless.
If the movie was "worthless" its safe to assume it was a waste of time for you. So why devote more time into the film by coming onto the boards and writing about it? Maybe your time is worthless? Maybe you and the movie have much more in common than you thought?
You won't be saved.