The Warts are back.

Rupert and Radcliffe both look 45, Emma is still smoking hot though.


After hearing about their treatment of the woman who made them rich, I'd say they can go fuck themselves. They can go fuck the tranny friends they don't have too.


What did they say about Rowling?


I hope you're lying. Nonetheless, Rowling is the real deal. Fuck PC morons.


I wish I was. She decides to choose a stance on supporting a gay woman and the concept of two genders, and all of a sudden the tranny community gets their collective panties in a twist and turns a lot of people against her. So now she's not gonna be allowed to sit down with the stars of the movies that were the result of her creativity, because they decided to support a bunch of gender-confused, mentally ill people; most notably people they didn't even care about until 5 years ago, but now suddenly do because Hollywood is on that bandwagon right now. You'd think these 3 actors would support the very woman responsible for making them rich and famous, but nope. They're on the bandwagon, whether they really care about the trannies or not. In fact, the only actor from any of the films that supports JK is Raiph Fiennes, of all people.


Agree. I won't watch it.
