The Fart Scene

I understood the point of it, that they're coming to accept each other, but it was bizarre, awkward and really out of place.


hahahahaha... o mi gosh this thread cracked me up so hard i sat laughing out loud all by myself in front of the pc...

it was one of the scenes i actually enjoyed about the movie...

one of my friends once told me that you'll know you're really close to someone when you're able to fart in front of them... it's true.

i'm married and in love and yes, i do run away, hysterically screaming everytime he farts... but it's more of a "fool-around-moment" for us... gross but funny... lol... o c'mon! the scene wasn't that bad... "twisted but romantic!"


You know two people are in love when they willingly share a fart.


You know two people are in love when they willingly share eachothers feces at the dinner table.



I think the point of it was to show how similar they both were. They were botha little different, quirky and awkward so what works for them might seem a little strange or weird to others. I thought the scene was kinda quirky cute!

<3Every great dream begins with a dreamer<3


I don't know if it is because you are American, or because you are young, or because you are just shallow as *beep* or all of these things together, but I am certain, that you (and all similar commenters) are full of BS.

That scene was a wonderful scene and actually I cherish the people for daring to show it.

Maybe one day you will understand it...


Well, I think it's awkward for them, but not awkward for me. I wouldn't have put up with foul smell, but sometimes fart smells so-so, or doesn't even smell. I just assumed the scene in the movie is the one when Leo made fart noise without smell or his fart smelt but not the foul one.

And anyway, if I find out my boyfriend farts in front of me for the first time, I am sure he'll be embarrassed, and that's why no matter how foul it smells, I won't run away. I don't want him to feel rejected. Fart is just trivial anyway. Maybe later; after we slowly get into term when we can openly escape from foul smell without any fear of rejection.


Totally agree.

Anyone whom would find that appealing is either a virgin or into coprophilia.

It's stuff like that (people getting too comfortable and stop caring about they handle themselves) that kill off the romance and sexyness of relationships:
- Farting (unless an accident) without much care within ear/smellshot.
- Leaving the bathroom door open when when going #1 or #2
- Burping without a care
- No longer dressing sharp
- Letting go (stop working out just because and thus getting out of shape)
- Stop grooming (lazyness)
- Etc

I mean, you gotta put a minimum of effort to keep things appealing, you know?

Anyone who think different simply switch the characters and consider your reaction at McAdams casually farting away. Now how appealing is THAT?
