MovieChat Forums > A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) Discussion > Bruce Willis ruined this movie

Bruce Willis ruined this movie

I cant understand all the hate for Jay Courtney in this movie. Sure his character wasnt interesting and his acting is certainly not noteworthy but the real problem of this movie (aside from the boring script) is Bruce Willis himself. Obviously, the franchise is built around his character and his style of acting. And while I respect him as an actor, he was awful in this movie. He sleepwalks through this movie and his performance is not better than that of C movie stars like Seagal or Dudikoff. Did he even look at his co stars once while delivering his laughable dialogue?!



Australian actor Jai Courtney has become quite the critical punching bag in recent times and this is where it all began.

A Good Day to Die Hard was an irredeemable film that killed a beloved franchise (that had never delivered a bad film before) and Courtney was one of its biggest issues. He plays the son of John McClane, one of the all-time best action movie heroes, and it's unbelievable that such a great and lovable character could've produced such a boring and unsympathetic kid.

With his relentlessly wooden and downright unlikable performance, Jai Courtney dragged the entire film down and made it even more unpleasant to watch. As bad as the writing was, Bruce Willis did perfectly solid work in this movie and it stands to reason that Courtney should've been able to as well, but no. Compared to the numerous great performances across the other films, Courtney's performance here was an undeniable dud.

Judging by his equally terrible performances in both I, Frankenstein and Terminator: Genesys, he doesn't seem to be improving either.
