Die Hard 6 - kill Johns son and conclude the Gruber trilogy
xmas 2018. McClanes secret agent son (Jack) has been KIA several months ago and we find John a broken man living alone in a small apartment in NYC. Newly retired from the force he spends his days drinking and trying to figure out how/why his son was killed, with occasional visits from his daughter (Lucy who is now married with kids). With Zeus & Al's help he eventually tracks down some insider connected to his sons death - who he tortures into revealing a starting truth - turns out Jackie Boy uncovered a sinister plot involving a corrupt senior FBI agent and an extreme terrorist group who are planning a major attack in LA. the snitch is assassinated by a sniper, but McClane gets away in a huge action sequence.... cue non stop mayhem as a couldn't give a *beep* if he lives or dies McClane battles terrorists, corrupt government agents, and anyone else who gets in the way...fighting his way up the food chain to an explosive finale in a familiar building with the terrorists (the head who would be revealed to be the son of an old enemy with a very personal vendetta against McClane...)
To Live and Die Hard starring Bruce Willis, Mads Mikkelsen, Olga Kurylenk, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Reginald VelJohnson, William Atherton, with Sam Jackson, and Mel Gibson
Directed by John McTiernan
rating - hard R/18
Taglines - McClanes bad side is a dangerous place to be... John McClane back on his own, out for revenge.... John McClane is back and this time its personal.... Old Habits Die Hard.... the Die Hardest of them all...It all ends where it began...
poster - http://ejtangonan.weebly.com/uploads/1/8/5/1/18519042/2888001_orig.jpg (but To Live and Die Hard - and with no hair)
Structure wise id say the first 20-30mins would deal with McClanes grief/nightmares, his boozing (shades of the start of DH3), his interaction with Lucy in the apartment, and with Zeus attempting to figure out WTF happened to Jack, leading to him uncovering the sinister plot involving the FBI and the team of terrorists (a 9/11 style plane hijacking - the set up for this/villains would be interspersed with the McClane story in the traditional DH way). then McClane & Zeus with the help of behind a desk Al track down some insider (how about the shifty looking cop from the start of DH5), and torture him (Taken style). insider gives up the corrupt FBI agent but is then snipered before he can name who is really behind it all
This would kick off the next hour which would be literally non stop action sequence after action sequence - Zeus is shot bad out of the game but McClane escapes being snipered in some crazy Die Hard way (shades of DH4) and manages to disarm the sniper who turns out to be the corrupt FBI baddie (Gibson) who killed McClanes boy... cue vicious NYC cop vs trained agent smackdown (Die Hard vs Lethal Weapon with shades of the end DH2 fight) that goes on and on (Peter Griffin vs the Chicken style) all the while McClane is against the clock for the attack . Defeats FBI guy in most vicious Die Hard killing ever, then boards the doomed passenger plane bound for LA in crazy way (sneaks into the undercarriage as it takes off or something), foils the hijacking, kills most of the terrorists, resulting in the plane being brought down/crashes but most survive.. then the fight continues McClane chasing the remaining terrorist (Olga) in car, on foot etc (like end of Con Air) before McClane finally takes her down at the intended target for the plane...the Nakatomi.
McClane finally realises who is behind it all – the son of Hans Gruber. then the end finale/last 20-30mins would be set in the Nakatomi at night (would be like DH1 on crack), a beat up clothes shredded (return of the wifebeater vest) McClane fighting his way through the levels (Raid/Dredd style) killing off the remaining terrorists (McClane gets the better of them all due to various knowledge of the building he gained from DH1) leading to an end boss fight with Grubers boy (who had set the whole thing up with corrupt FBI guy to get rich by destroying the building, but above all get even with McClane ala Simon in DH3). Ends with them facing off on top of Nakotomi. gun fight/fist fight, Grubers chopper hovering above, McClane brings it down with handgun (last bullet DH1/3 style) - big explosion leaves them both hanging off the top of the building on twisted metal still fighting (Batman89/Temple of Doom/Cliffhanger style) - McClane finally kicks Gruber's boy in the face to his death (like Kirk at the end of Star Trek III - who similarly lost his son in ST3) 'as i told your father, yippie!...ki!...yay!...MOTHER!...*beep* ER!!'
end/epilogue would be McClane back in NYC hooking up with Al, Zeus, Lucy in an Irish bar for a xmas beer to remember his son...then bar door opens and in walks Holly (cue 'let it snow...') The End of the Die Hard saga.
Basically like a celebration/greatest hits/epilogue of the DH trilogy (not so much DH4/5 apart from Lucy in an extended cameo, and Jack who we wouldn't even see - unless you had him in a cameo getting killed off by Gibson in a shock pre-title sequence then start the film few months later with depressed McClane). Stylistically itd be starting off like DH3 in NYC (McClane boozing/Zeus team up - with Zeus in supporting role helping McClane - some word on the street type stuff with abit of ass kicking with McClane), then DH2 (planes, although 'McClane on a plane' kicking ass Exec Decision/AF1/P57 style would be a Die Hard first. McClane saving the plane would be an added redemptive element to what happened to him in DH2), then end with DH1 in LA (McClane in a building fighting terrorists with the return of the Nakatomi building - a major DH character in itself). And of course it would mark the return of 'Gruber' - with Mads Mikkelsen or maybe Michael Fassbender/Tom Hardy/BCumberbatch etc as the Simon-esque son (think another bro like Christoph Waltz/G Oldman etc would be pushing it). While it may seem a cliché another Gruber would want revenge its completely feasible that Hans had a son who would be in his 30s/40s who would want revenge on McClane for killing both father and uncle. And McClanes kids have been done. so maybe its time to see a Gruber boy (or it could even be a daughter, as a female main villain would be a DH 1st. in which case Olga could be in that role with Mads her right hand man. maybe that could be a twist - you thinks Mads is the Gruber but turns out its Olga..or another twist maybe they could BOTH be Gruber kids!) Also with DH3 the DH franchise sort of became as much about 'Gruber' as it did McClane. To bring back that name (and the Nakotomi) linking it to the classic original would be a big deal for a DH movie/must see event (as opposed to some other no name terrorist as in DH4/5) and it would conclude the 'Gruber trilogy' of 1/3/6.
Plus itd mark the return of Al, Holly, and Thornburg in cameos (Al could do some police investigating help as in DH2, Holly end cameo finally resolving the loose end in DH3, and Thornburg using the McClane saga as a way back on tv. Itd be Al/Holly/Thornburgs belated 3rd DH appearance). Olga Kurylenk as the obligatory female villain (as in the last 3 DHs), Xmas setting again (it would conclude a trilogy of DH xmas films - 1/2/6), the wifebeater vest would be back (as with the grubers it would mark the 3rd appearance of the iconic vest - he only gets down to his vest when hes fighting them!), and also the return of the F...B...I (they were almost like villains in DH1 so why not make them like a secondary villain this time, with a corrupt crazed agent - a'Bad Lt/Gary Oldman in Leon' coke addict type who is in league with the terrorists) :
Was thinking Mel Gibson as the corrupt crazed FBI agent (like a Riggs gone wrong EX3 type which would be still apt for Gibson now) who could show down with Willis at some point therefore adding a Die Hard v Lethal Weapon/McClane v Riggs element (missing in Expendables 3)..team ups/face offs are all the rage these days (Expendables/Avengers/SupermanvBatman) so it it could add a must see element. and maybe Mel could also direct (Mel knows a thing or two about revenge thrillers) but ideally youd want 1st choice McTirenan again (completing his 'Gruber trilogy') the reason I bring up Mel is LW has always been tied to DH in a few ways - similar years (87/88, 89/90, 92/95, belated 4th entry - 98/07, alas no LW5 yet), Riggs/McClanes B92F, Joel Silver, Michael Karmen, the buddy aspect of DH3 and the rumours it originally started out as a LW script, McClanes cameo in Loaded Weapon 1, the LW2 advert in DH2 (which means they arent set in the same universe - DH is 'reality', LW is fiction), the titles (Riggs is the lethal weapon/McClane dies hard) Xmas settings (DH1&2/LW1).
so all of that but with added gravitas/pathos due to the death of McClanes boy (grieving father stuff to give Willis some emo acting - harking back to the glass removal scene in DH1). I figured cant very well have McClane Jnr kidnapped by the terrorists or something as then itd be DH5 all over again with John coming to the rescue and then its John&Jack shooting everyone again. and if John was on his own in some deadly situation then why wouldn't Jack come to bail him out like his dad did for him? so figured would need to kill him so it can be about McClane Snr again (anyway makes sense as hes in an extremely high risk job) ..and if you kill him itd pretty much have to be a Get Carter/Limey-esque revenge flick, which could tie in with the whole 'Wrath of Gruber' thing (like DH3 only more so) - a vengeful son who kills McClanes boy who had got caught up in it all leading to McClane then wanting revenge (plus add in the usual DH terrorist plot).