MovieChat Forums > X-Men '97 (2024) Discussion > Creator Beau DeMayo fired

Creator Beau DeMayo fired

Beau DeMayo, the showrunner and executive producer behind Disney+’s upcoming animated series “X-Men ’97,” has been fired ahead of the March 20 premiere.

Doesn’t say why. He’s black, so race isn’t an issue. But he’s a man, so that may be it.

EDIT: Just learned he’s gay (he checked two boxes on the DEI scorecard) so being male isn’t it either.

Also, reportedly the guy has an OnlyFans account with nudity. Not sure if it’s true but if so that’s grounds for the booting.


fucking retard. not everything is connected to race and gender. there could 1000000 reason why he got fired you dumb fuck


I said race wasn’t the issue you ass licking, mamma fucking, shit eating, child molesting, oxygen wasting little stain on humanity.


and then you idiot low life said. "but hes a man. so that may be it"

right retard. because as we know no man is working for disney AT ALL . only woman

you piece of trash alt right cancerous moron. how about you will jump of a window so we can all be happy that trash such as yourself is not existing anymore.

you are such a waste of space. a trashbag. a piece of human extrement. and people like you are nothing but caricatures.

you are that stupid trumptard that you think everything is connected to race and gender. please. do the world a favor and kill yourself.


Everything is connected to race and gender these days thanks to you leftist extremists and you’re “F everyone but us” mentality.


You should probably settle down bro. That level of lefty snowflake douchebag anger can't be healthy.


you are so lucky that youre not near me right now you trumptard lunatic.

you trumptards alt right snowflakes are pure cancer.


lol, nobody is afraid of some bitch ass liberal getting cunty in a movie group. The only place a little pussy like you is tough, is behind a keyboard, and you absolutely know I'm right. Go eat some tranny ass, snowflake. Lol, fucking lefty clowns...🤣🤡


"He’s black, so race isn’t an issue"

Definitely a case of White Supremacy. Don't be surprised if Trump is behind all of this


What is?


DeMayo is Black, so anything unpleasant that happens to him is automatically the result of White Supremacy


It’s mainly the opposite these days.


Reminds me of Bryan Fuller being let go from Star Trek Discovery when they were almost done with the pilot.
