MovieChat Forums > The Drop (2014) Discussion > Who sent the severed arm with the money?

Who sent the severed arm with the money?

I only saw the film once and I missed a bit.

Who sent the severed arm with the money?


It was the Nihilists, man.


It was Bob.

It wasn't Marv who would be too squeamish to sever an arm - evidenced by how afraid he was to look in the bag, his cowed demeanour before the chechans, him wincing in private etc. Marv told the older brother to get rid of the stopped watch, and the older brother confirmed that the younger brother didnt know Marv was 'the guy' behind the first robbery. So Marv thinks he's safe.

It wasn't the chechens because why would they get blood on their own money, hang it on the fence etc (doesnt make sense). Also, they didnt know what Bob was talking about when he explains the returned money is damp. Chekov said 'what the f-k are u talking about', but just accepts the money. Then, chekov makes the bar the drop for superbowl night (the safest airline is the one that had a crash the night before). The chechens would have made sure to watch the bar on superbowl night - Marv makes his move, thus he's executed.

It had to be Bob because he threw away the arm. He didnt want to chechens to see it, as that would absolve both him AND Marv from the first robbery. He put the arm into the bag to make Marv think it was the chechens who cut the arm off and found the money.

The other clues that it was Bob :
1) The dispassionate manner he wrapped the arm up, which demonstrates his cold-bloodedness.

2) How Bob was courting the chechens, that he was the guy who could best look after them (he took the trouble to remember their favourite beer, that chekov didnt like the previous whiskey that smelt of feet)

3) It was Bob who personally handed the $5,000 back to the chechens, not Marv. The comment by Marv that the chechens would shoot them in the face if they returned the money from the first robbery was just Marv's point of view, he was afraid of them.


Amazing this took three pages. It's Bob! He even admits to killing the guy, and storing him in his celler


When? I thought he meant Richie Wheelan.


Okay so im just as confused as everyone else.. I think its a very hard thing to solve there are plenty of ways this can be viewed. Im still not convinced.

I'm quietly judging you...


One thing that I remembered from the movie was at the beginning before the severed arm was found was Marv telling Bob to take down all the Christmas decorations when it was already a couple of days past Christmas. The bag was tied with one of those Christmas tree ropes so it made me wonder if he used it or if it was a misdirection.

Personally, I lean towards Bob being the one that delivered the arm. Even towards the end of the movie when Nadia is off screen and walking (supposedly offscreen) towards Bob, he had a look like he could have been faking the timid personality the whole time. Again, could be nothing.


Found this in another topic/thread but makes a lot of sense. I thought Marv killed him too until I read this. Especially the "junkie friends" line..and also explains how they knew were Marv was and got to him so quick.

They had been watching Marv for a long time. They tortured the junkie with the severed arm,knew Marv was in on it but let him be,no spoken threats,just sending the money and the arm back as a test of sorts. It wasn´t so much money for the chechens so they let Marv decide his own fate. Marv said he was followed and was right,just to desperate and greedy to see the big picture.

Marv owned the bar and changing leadership is something they´d want to avoid if possible.

-Why you always try to take my money? You and your druggie friends leave me alone.." Chochka is saying he knew Marv was in on the first hit,they have been watching him closely and if he screwed up again,he´d die. They found him in his car so fast cause they were keeping tabs on him.


The simplest fact no one has accounted for in nine pages of comments is that the brother with the watch was already taken by the Chechens and tortured in the back of their van. Do people really think they put a spike through his foot, drove him around for a while and then let him go? And in that unlikely event, that he'd be hanging around to be killed by Marv or Bob? He never made it out of that van alive.


It was the Chechens. The movie dropped a lot of clues. First off, Marv was pissed that Bob told the police about the broken watch. Second, Marv told one of the guys to tell his idiot brother to get ride of the broken watch.

Then, the arm with the broken watch shows up in a bag of bloody cash. It is pretty obvious that the broken watch lead the Chechens to guy and the money.

The arm and bloody money were a message from the Chechens to Marv and Bob not to *beep* with them. I am pretty sure they suspected or even knew that Marv was in on the robbery.

It was not Marv or Bob. That is ridiculous.


Wow, you ALL missed it...

It was the dog!


Very funny (the dog). I think everyone missed the boat on this one. I think that it was Bob that killed the guy with the watch. Bob is very perceptive (as evidenced by him noticing the watch in the first place) so most likely he had seen the watch before (the guys probably frequented Marv's bar, hence Marv knowing them in the first place). So therefore only Bob (other than Marv) could have know who the guy was and he killed the guy so the police or the Chechens wouldn't get to him first and then reveal that it was Marv who masterminded the whole robbery. It could not have been the Chechens who killed the guy with the watch because there is absolutely no way they could track him down just based on the fact that he had a broken watch. If a whole police force couldn't track him down, why would the Chechens be able to track him down? That doesn't make sense and last but not least I saw a few posts that said the guy in the back of the truck was the guy with the watch and that can't possibly be true because the Chechens didn't know that the robber had a broken watch until they came with the guy in the back of the truck so how could he be the guy with the watch? It had to be Bob who killed him.


Yes. It's hard to take, but that might be an answer. I think you're right about the timing on when the Chechens knew about the watch. I think the guy with the spike was just a warning to Marv and Bob.

Maybe Bob was also getting rid of Marv because Marv said if the money were returned, the Chechens would think they were in on it. So Bob did that. Except he somehow came out clean himself. Also, Marv was amazed how deft Bob was at wrapping up the arm. In the end when we learn that Bob killed Richie Whelan and he put him in the boiler in his basement, I wonder if he had to chop him up to get him in there. Did he say?

So then maybe the comments that Bob is a sociopath are correct. Although he was always trying to save Marv. It did seem though as if his having mentioned the watch was on purpose, to either smoke out Marv or cook Marv's goose. Bob had been in the life. He didn't want to be anymore, but it was kind of impossible to avoid, his being in the bar. So then what Nadia? Is she going to be okay with all this?


It is amazing to me that we are all so ready to forgive this movie for not making this point clear, we all liked it so much.

P.S. So why throw the arm in the water? It wasn't weighted down enough to sink, was it? And was the watch still on it? If the police found it, hoo boy. That would be an easy connection to the bar considering the wrapping.



It was Bob he was cleaning up after Marv. He suspected what Marv was up to during the first robbery. He knew it was Marv when he gauged Marvs reaction to Bob telling police about the stopped watch. He id'd the guy wearing the watch so he took care of that tool and retrieved the money in an effort to save his and maybe his cousins rears. By sending the arm and money to themselves it makes it appear to the Chechen's as if neither of them were in on it and that the second robber panicked killed his partner and returned the money after finding out who it was he actually robbed. Of course the Chechen's and Bob knew everything from the jump but sat back and let everything play out for their own personal reasons. Marv just couldn't stop screwing himself the schmuck.


Interesting theory but I believe Bob is too smart to leave a bag of bloody cash with an arm matching the description of a robber's on the fence behind the bar. Bob seems very conscientious about not leaving bodies nor parts around and I can't see him hanging an arm in a bag on a fence. I thought it was obvious the Chechens did the deed as sort of a message and test. The message obvious while the test was if they would see the money again. The "second" robber panicking and killing his accomplice then returning the money theory makes no sense especially when it would not get him off the hook with the Chechens and add a murder charge to his robbery charge.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.
