MovieChat Forums > The Drop (2014) Discussion > (Spoilers) Did Eric Deeds deserve what h...

(Spoilers) Did Eric Deeds deserve what he got?

How favourably you view Bob by the end of the movie is predicated upon whether or not you feel he was justified in shooting Eric Deeds twice in the face. His only possible vindication for this is the belief that had he not killed Deeds, his life was in jeoprady.

Of course we learn that Deeds did not in fact kill 'Happy Days' and so there's no real reason to believe he would have been capable of murder in cold-blood. He struck me as simply a slightly unhinged bully, and by the bar scene it's reasonable to assume he thought he had the measure of Bob and would only need to threaten him to get the money from the safe.

There's no doubt Deeds is a despicable character, but does a man deserve to die for injuring a dog, stealing an umbrella and the implied violence towards a female?


I'm a mild mannered graphic designer by day—and also by night. But I find it astonishing how many people are here mounting a defense of Deeds. He deserved what he got. And there's no doubt in my mind that Bob saved many people and a lot of dogs a whole lot of pain and trouble by shooting him.

Upthread somebody says "he wasn't going to grow up and become a nice doctor." I support the rule of law, but there's a limit to everything. Note that the cop's last whispered comment to Bob contained more than a little bit of envy.


What's astounding is how many people are mounting a defense of Bob. No one says that Eric is a good guy. But clearly his badness pales into mediocrity at the end when we finally realize (or are supposed to realize) who and what Bob really is.

I'm astounded how many folk don't realize that Bob was playing Eric from the start and playing Marv. He got them both right where he wanted them in the end and he got what he wanted- the bar, the dog and the girl- all things for him to possess.

Marv thought Bob was unnerved by Eric which was why he got him to rob the bar. But Bob wasn't unnerved at all by him. Marv didn't know Bob killed Richie. Marv didn't have the money he needed to pay the Mob after supposedly Richie paid him back. But Bob had a hidden $10,000 in his basement. Sure, Richie paid Marv back, by giving his winning to Bob, then Bob killed him and let the Mob take Marv's bar.

Come on. Bob was pulling everyone's strings.

"They never see you coming, do they, Bob?" ~there's no envy there, just disgust.

"Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy you're so strange?"


You're out of your mind.

This wasn't some incredibly elaborate epic scheme by Bob. Lmao that's absolutely laughable. Some of you people overthink sh#t WAAAAYYYY too much.

Deeds did it to himself. All he had to do was stop f##king with Bob. That's it. And guess what, he could have went on his merry way harassing, bullying, and frightening other people.

Deeds entered Bob's life. Not the other way around. Deeds entered his home. TWICE. Once by breaking in. Deeds attempted to extort Bob. Deeds kidnapped Nadia. Deeds threatened Nadia's life in front of Bob. Do you realize how many outs that Deeds could have taken before Bob iced him? Deeds had opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. Again, all he had to do was stop f##king with Bob. Bob was going to pay him every penny of that 10 grand, too. That wasn't a f##king set-up, lol. All Deeds had to do was take the ten grand and walk out the door. But nope, Deeds wanted the money in the safe, too. And Deeds had to threaten the life of Bob's love interest right in front of him while he was at it.

But oh yeah, that was all Bob's doing. I forgot. 

And Marv. Again, Marv brought every bit of that sh#t storm on himself. You were so hung up on your outlandish theory of Bob and this epic conspiracy that you conveniently missed where Marv was trying to f##k over the Chechens. And how Marv HIMSELF went to Deeds. But oh yeah, Bob set that up by "pulling their strings". Lmao. Bob didn't even realize that Marv had ever even spoken to Deeds until Marv called Deeds at the end and Bob picked up.

How you came to the conclusion that every turn of events was some amazingly prolific and perfect pulling of the strings by Bob to make ALL OF THAT happen is simply amazing.


...and remember Marv telling Deeds "what are you doing there so early" and to get out of the bar on Super Bowl night.

he said it's not wise to mess with Bob and make him nervous. Marv knew what he was capable of doing. Deeds underestimated Bob and when he pulled out the gun and shot him in the neck, the look on Deed's face was bewilderment(and anguish I suppose).


Bob killed Richie Whelan ON BEHALF of Marv,who saw the kid paying back his debt and dissapearing as a"viable business opportunity." WHY else would Bob kill Richie,what´s the motive? Get a kick out of it?



I don't really know how the law works in America but I believe it's different state to state. I would assume that generally, given my extremely limited knowledge, it would be classed as armed robbery and amongst all the other threatening and abusive behaviour Bob would be justified to a degree, legally. With a good defence lawyer behind him.

I don't think the OP is asking that? Morally I'm ok with it to a degree if not entirely convinced by Bobs motives. I think there was a clear and present threat to life, to all of their lives. However I also believe there were other options, even at the final moment. What we don't have is the time to assess whether Bob knew what those options were.

In the heat of the moment I totally get why he did it. Whether I would do the same, I'm not so sure, but I won't demonise him for it.


Yes he absolutely did


First time I saw it I thought it was cool when Bob shot Deeds. On my second viewing I thought it was excessive and I actually felt sorry for Deeds and here is why:

Deeds was nothing more than a punk bully in way over his head. Dispite Marvs warnings I think Deeds thought he would be able to intimidate and rob Bob without the need to pull out his gun. I actually think Deeds was afraid to pull out his gun and definitely wasn't planning on shooting Bob.

I think Deeds only brought the gun to "accidentally" let Nadia see it so she would tell Bob. In Deeds mind, Bob was already afraid of him so hearing from Nadia that he had a gun would imply to Bob that Deeds really was dangerous, hard and that he meant business when it came time to rob him. Deeds then goes out of his way to give Nadia every opportunity to tell Bob about the gun by going out to smoke and to the bathroom and it may be the main reason he even brought her along.

Once Bob revealed the truth to Deeds you could see the fear and desperation in Deeds face. At this point Bob could have simply told Deeds to leave and maybe he would have, but by pulling for his gun he forced Deeds to reach for his which forced Bob to shoot him.


Of course he did. He kidnapped and bullied a woman including mentally abusive, tortured an innocent puppy,was an extortionist and armed robber. The fact he failed at extortion and armed robbery in no way changes the facts. Those are just the crimes we KNOW he was guilty of. It's heavily implied and very obvious he had beaten Nadia and had committed other crimes. When you rob a person or business with a weapon then you deserve whatever happens to you including death.

If you think otherwise you're naive at best to the point of being pathetic. You are most likely a gutless little bitch too. The only other option for thinking Deeds didn't deserve his fate is you're also a sleazy little gutless loser like the character. Either way you're weak and useless.
