The Very End

I've been all over this board looking for anyone who feels the same as I.

I heard heavy, deliberate footsteps approaching Bob at the end of the movie. Didn't sound like Nadia. Reminded me of the footsteps approaching Marv's car. I think Bob is shot at the end. The whole movie is very deliberate with its story-telling. Reminds me of a David Mamet film.

It sucks that there's an ample amount of argument about sociopaths vs psychopaths, and vitriol over poor grammar or spelling.


It's an interesting theory.

However, to me it was high heels. Nadia changed to go out with Bob and Rocco. She's made a decision that's an upswing in her life (by comparison, at least).

The Chechens would probably watch Bob and Nadia, probably knowing the reality of the events of that night. But Bob has proven to be a stable and dependable asset.

As to the vitriol, I've learned to filter it out. I think I know the post(s) you refer to, slathered with "idiot" and "moron" and "empty life' insults. It's a sad byproduct of the personality of many who sit behind keyboards. At least it's not a majority.

None of 'em would have the courage to talk to someone like that face-to-face. They've just been teased too much, themselves... probably in Jr. High.

Some of those posts do have nuggets of good info.
