The banality of modern cinema.
Is the phrase that came up to me when watching this film. Yes it's watchable, it may even be entertaining, but it is SO BANAL one has to wonder what is the point of spending millions of dollars doing this? And the actors, I feel sorry for them. Yes they earn millions of dollars and have fame but they literally spend their entire time coughing, walking through doors, looking into space, that's what they do. That is "acting" these days. And when they are called upon to show emotion, they denigrate themselves on camera for the excuse of "realism" instead of doing things with aesthetics and form. And well, they themselves are the epitome of mediocrity, like Kate Winslet, so of course she can play mediocre very well because it's what she is, so in the end we are all being bamboozled.
I wouldn't want the old cinema to come back because neither audiences nor charlatans like Kate Winslet deserve it, but I am still mystified by film today and how irrelevant it truly is.