I love Chris lilley and I love the characters of nathan and daniel, and gran is pretty funny, but I just dont like smouse. I think it would be better if he just brought back Jonah instead, I am wondering if its the fact that this is being made with both abc and HBO and thats why he chose to do smouse as its more relateable to Americans, I just dont think Americans would get Jonah, or the whole 'fob' thing. But I personally think it would be better if Jonah was in place of smouse, I am thinking somewhere along the line he has to put Jonah in there somewhere even if its for a minute or two. "Fraggle Stick Car"
yeah i agree, smouse is no where near johnas status. here in america tho Johnas character was well recieved when HBO showed SHH. he ended up being the favorite characater out of all my friends who would watch that show with me. the FOB thing is funny as hell btw.
I think s.mouse is a great character! Sure, he's not likeable, but that's because he's supposed to be a dick. Chris Lilly does a great job of playing a black guy by the way. More Jonah would have been just more of the same. I'm glad Chris went with some new characters, which takes the whole concept in new directions.
I think this show is hilarious but I am not a fan of the S. Mouse character and if you think that in playing this character Chris Lilly does a "good job of playing a black guy" then I'm even more for getting rid of the character.
I agree. S.mouse is out of datea late 1990s/early 00s relic. He has trouble with making the African American characters speak naturally. It really became awkward and apparent with the dialogue the actor playing father has to deliver. There is no way an upper middle class, wealthy American talks like that, black or not.
It would have been more interesting (and more edgy, really) had he played an Australian rapper.
Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents and everyone is writing a book - Cicero
I think this show is the pits. I think each of the characters with the exception of Daniel and Nathan are thinly constructed caricatures with nary a degree of authenticity.
"But tonight we should have fun, not dwell on Scott Baio."
I think the point of Smouse and Jen for that matter, is that they are trainwrecks waiting to happen. I dislike them, but I can't turn away. Watch for developments. I do love Nathan and Daniel, Gran and Blake. I hope Jonah will come back one day. Remember, he's exiled in Tonga.
Nice to see your name on my computer screen, old friend. Still working on TBYG? Did you get to go to the Logies?
Nathan and Daniel are spot on, as is their milieu: mainies, "Black Dan", Southern Cross tattoos (so glad that nasty element of jingoism is being mocked), the stepdad. I haven't stuck with it past episode 2. I was considering looking at the Tiger Mum bits, as Lilley did quite a good job with the Chinese amateur dramatic scientsit in WCBH.
He seems to be is going for Gervais/Baron Cohen style "cringe", but isn't pulling it off. John Safran tried to create this kind of discomfort in "Race Relations" and failed; similar to AB, RR was half filled with dud segments and was a far less coherent work than his previous series.
Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents and everyone is writing a book - Cicero
S.Mouse is hilarious. You see, the reason why most of you find him ridiculous is because the majority of American Hip Hop 'artists' are just that, ridiculous, their 'music' is terrible and they're the most arrogant, self-righteous morons on the planet and his portrayal of them is spot on, to be honest.
"He seems to be is going for Gervais/Baron Cohen style "cringe", but isn't pulling it off."
That's what he did in Summer Heights High, but not what he's doing now. His humour has obviously evolved from that, which you'd notice if you watched past the first two eps. There a fewer cringe-worthy moments, like you'd see with Gervais, and more honest, real moments of humour and accurate parody. The characters are not as abhorrent, nor are the minor characters connection with Lilley's characters quite as surreal. I can see why one may have thought it incoherent if they only watched the first two, since the series has moved on from character introductions by now and is weaving a thicker, deeper plot with every episode.
In SHH and Australian of the Year, they all had a unifying plot which connected them (the high school, the awards), now they are scattered all over the world and Lilley is masterfully unifying them all with his overriding theme: angry boys, and susbsequent themes such as the stepfather effect and the effect of male (father) and female (mother) influences, homosexuality and sexual discovery, parent/peer pressure and the pressure to be masculine, depression, alienation and of course, anger and violence.
I'm just so impressed with it. I will admit that his other shows were funnier in ways, but only because in this he's reaching out to us with much deeper issues and a more involved plot. But then, I still laugh out loud about twenty times an episode.
I feel like I said plot fifty million times. Sorry about that.
Everytime I think I don't like S.Mouse or Tim's mom (Jen?) I just stop and think how god damn talented this guy is and i cant hate on the characters. he's incredible
S.Mouse! is educatin' his fans with his raps - witness :
One. Divided by two Equals Three. Divided by four Equals Five. Divided by six Equals My Intellectality.
that rap was one of the funniest moments in the show; I've lost count of the amount of rappers who think they are schoolin' their fans but lack the intellectual capacity to impart anything other than crap.
I found the S.Mouse segments more funny in terms of the other characters...the dad was awesome...he himself wasn't that funny, but pretty easy to laugh AT. The surfy guy was the one I found least funny - though I had no problem with that at all.
Americans would relate more to an African-American rapper. Jonah is a Tongan juvenile delinquent and would appeal more to an Australian audience familiar with the stereotypes of Polynesian minorities of Australia/NZ such as Tongans or Maoris. Most Americans wouldn't even know what a "Tongan" is!