Whats happened to Terrence Malick ?
First of all I just want to start of by saying that Malick has been one of my favorite directors for a long time. 'Days of Heaven' and 'The Thin Red Line' are cinematic masterpieces for me (and for a lot of others I am sure), and even though The Tree of Life had an experimental feel to it, its undeniable that the movie was both visually and emotionally moving and one of the best of 2011. However as much as I was looking forward to To the wonder, I was disappointed to find the movie nowhere near the standard set by its predecessors or the quality of film Malick is capable of producing. (Even die hard Malick fans must admit that!)
The visuals are obviously given more importance than the story and characters which unfortunately never makes for a good movie. Its magnificent on the surface but completely hollow inside. But what surprised me the most was the non existence of any dialogues or interaction between any of the characters and instead we are left to watch them for two thirds of the movie walking through various fields without any notion of conversation,direction or purpose. And the constant cutting did not help either but make it all look like a concoction of wonderfully mismatched commercials. The movie is beautiful to look at granted (all Malick films are after all) but not as beautiful and praise deserving as Badlands or Days of Heaven where the characters,story and 'conventional' direction added to the stellar camera work and cinematography. And sorry but Javier Bardem was criminally underused in this and I wouldn't be surprised if he is as confused by the final product as I am.
I tried not to make this a rant, but I am fearful that after The Tree of Life and To the wonder, Malick might never be able to match his earlier masterpieces, as he seems more interested in making films where the story,acting,dialogues and characters are no longer the focus but in which we are constantly zipping through a 5-6 camera frames in a minute, listening to his musings on life and
trying to enjoy movies on a mere 'visual' level alone like the numerous 3-D movies being shown. I for one rather liked his more balanced approach in his first three movies than what he is indulging in at the moment. Just my opinion!