I think you and I were watching a totally different movie. She WAS absolutely vilified. Were you clapping with her or bouncing off your seat with excitement when she ran to the idiot she chose over her husband? A man that once with her loved her so much he was perfectly willing to share her with other men (and she with other women)? This movie was not set up to like her character, if so the movie would have had a happy ending and you would have been singing her praises as the "Poor little girl lost". But NO, in the end it was just as her sister in law had told her...she had it good and all she had to do was suck it up and put up with the down time that life will always offer up no matter what. Instead she got rid of a great man who was going places, loved her, cared for her and put up with her moody crap for some guy who barely tell her he loved her in the end. When she realized she made the wrong choice she was shot down. This movie was a perfect example of the stupid choices we can sometimes make in relationships. A great look at the bull crap theory that the grass is greener on the other side. Most of the time, our grass is already as green as it will ever get but we are too self absorbed to realize it.