Rose Byrne made me turn it off...
I know this isn't fair, but I just couldn't watch this because of how horribly skinny she was distracting. Especially as a brand new mother? She'd just had a new baby, so why did she look like a skeleton? Women tend to gain weight during pregnancy, and while it's perfectly normal to exercise to get rid of some of the baby weight after, I've never seen a woman go from baby weight to bone thin like just didn't seem right.
It was like the director just ignored it, when he should've pulled her aside before filming and said "look Rose, I don't want to insult you, but you're playing the part of a brand new mother with two other very small children, it would be natural and expected for you to have some meat on your're too skinny, go eat a few cheeseburgers." Actors change their weight to suit a movie role all the time, so why couldn't she at least pack on a few extra pounds to make her part believable? I know she doesn't have kids herself, so it's probably very easy for her to walk around all skinny in a movie role, but if you're going to play a mother of 3 small children, you should at least look like you've had kids. Jesus.
It's probably a good movie, but I just couldn't get through it...every time Rose Byrne came onscreen looking like Skeletor it made me want to vomit.