MovieChat Forums > Sleeping Beauty (2011) Discussion > The smallest penis ever commited to film...

The smallest penis ever commited to film?

I think that old man has snatched the trophy from Ken Jeong, how about you?


Are we really commenting on penis here? Come on.


This old fella does take the crown, but he will never dethrone Ken Jeong from the court of public opinion on penis sizes as seen on film. Ken Jeong has way huger balls, figuratively.




WTF does his penis have to do with anything and why does it matter? I mean if it makes your feel more like man or woman rip into some ones penis size then have at it but feeling the need to belittle some one just to make you feel good is wrong.
Personally i have a avarage size both soft and hard but don't feel the need to laugh at others for there missfotune whether it is too large or too small.


Wow, so many men here feel almost personally attacked. And throughout the tread, nobody was ridiculing him, just discussing male anatomy, to put it in a general way. Should I feel slightly offended if some guy comments how an actress has 'no tits' or that they are barely there? So the first one is 'disrespectful' and the second is normal?

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.


People are saying "he has huge nuts to show his tiny thing to the world", that's ridiculing the dude, period.
Now, if I were to have typed what you've typed in your response and then come back to it, I would tell myself to practice on my English and then practice on my reading and understanding of English.

You see what I did?

Welcome to Supernatural Sci-Fi Media!


My response was perfectly comprehensible. I still stand by what I've said. Please re-read my response and then feel free to comment again. Try to read between the lines ;)

By the way, English is not my native language and there is NOTHING gramatically wrong about my post. Don't be so arrogant.

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.


Both should share the honors!
That's more like it! 


Wait a minute, Ken Jeong had a full-frontal pickle shot? How did I miss that?

They should put guys like this in porno--he's less disgusting than Ron Jeremy AND he'd make most guys feel better about themselves. But maybe he's a "grower".

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


I'm sure Kens wasn't real, but there is a pretty small one in Sleepaway Camp and Observe and Report.
