MovieChat Forums > Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012) Discussion > Mispronunciation of Porsche in trailer

Mispronunciation of Porsche in trailer

Alright, this is the second time I've gone to the movies and had to watch the trailer for this movie, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people are too lazy to pronounce words right. Porsche is a two-syllable word. It's really not that hard.

I offer two preemptive responses to arguments I suspect will be launched:

"But we're not in Germany, this is 'merica, dammit!"

-Doesn't matter. Porsche is a family name, after the guy, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. Names are pronounced the same in every language.

"But we don't roll our 'r's when we order Mexican food!"

The "r" trills are not a part of our natural sounds in the English language, but being that English is a Germanic language, the extra "uh" sound that makes the second syllable in "Porsche" is a sound we have in English, so there should be no issue there.

I haven't been this wound-up over mispronunciation in a movie since the Dukes of Hazzard movie butchered the word "Löwenbräu".


I just figured Ed's character was supposed to sound like a dick that can't pronounce it right. Grates on my nerves when people say it as one syllable too, but I think it was intentional in this case.


Ed Helms' character in this film is the last person who should pronounce it with two syllables.
