TBh i saw no connection with twilight... Apart from the 'monsters as romantic and kind" bit.
It was actually a romeo and Juliet remake, to a certain extent (although most stories do connect to shakespeare in one way or another, so i spose twilight could be a RnJ story as well..) anyway:
The reasons i loved this film:
It turns the whole idea/ stereotype of "baddies" and "goodies" in horror films on its head. I know its not the first film to do this, but i think its the first zombie film? Personally i thought the film slightly let its self down by then having the 'boneys' as the baddies. I mean the whole point of the film was to say who is to say who is bad or good? So could the boneys not also have had feelings?? I felt a bit sorry for them.
There def was a message. In fact quite a few messages, or themes, i would say:
1) love conquers all. Love redeems. Yes cheesy and done before, but so what? I thought it was done very well, and that their relationship was incredibly sweet (although the fact he ate her bfs brains was kind of hard to swallow! Literally!!)
But it wasnt just the main protagonists love, it was the human races love for eachother and ability to forgive and accept.(apart from the boneys of course!)
2) transformation change and growth (see above). R literally changed and was re-born. Like a phoenix rising! And the bit where he fell in the water was kind of like a baptism? So perhaps some religious undertones?
R changed. So did julie. So did julies dad- he began very set in his ways but he gradually accepted change.
3) look beyond the obvious and see potential. Creativity. Embracing difference. The end seemed like quite a utopian view of how we could be as humans if we were more accepting! (The sad thing is i think the ex zombies woukd actually be trsated quite badly still as being 'different').
Im sure there are loads of other themes, but the film is actually v interesting and multilayered the more you think about it!
Having said that it also had a kind of simplicity that i liked.
I liked the 2 main actors as well, especially Nicholas, and i loved the zombie humour!
Yes it had some plotholes and cliches, but all in all this is why i really like this film!