Advice to NBC for next year
What advice would you give to NBC for changes they should make for the next season of American Ninja Warrior?
shareWhat advice would you give to NBC for changes they should make for the next season of American Ninja Warrior?
shareOver the Labor Day weekend, they had a marathon of the original Ninja Warrior (Sasuke) from Japan. The best part of their shows, and what made it a lot more enjoyable, was that they had almost no backstories, and let the action carry the show. The Japanese version was a little crazy, with people in costumes and crazy gimmicks. One guy showed up each year in a hang glider, and parked it right at the starting point, and then unbuckled himself and started the course. Another guy would bring an octopus with him, and put it down before starting. He went out on the first obstacle every stinkin' year, but came back year after year, like for 15 competitions in a row. Most of these folks didn't get past the first obstacles, but it was entertaining, because you don't really care what their backgrounds are. She's dressed like a chicken? Must have a reason. And she goes down on the first quintuple step. Next!
They have 100 people who start out, and they show 30-40 each of three shows, to get through the first stage. They save the people who have made it in the past until the end of each show, so there's a reason to keep watching. Then, they take those ten or twelve or six or however many, and show them going through the next stages.
Not everyone is a rock climber. Grip strength should be important, but not the only deciding factor. The Japanese version had obstacles that required the whole body, not just the forearms.
Just my $0.02.
Strength and Honor
They should give money to the person who gets the furthest the fastest even if he/she doesn't make it to the end of Stage 4. It can be a smaller amount e.g. $100,000.
So they can still save the $million for the person who finishes Stage 4 for the fastest, but give at least one person some prize money each year.
As a faithful viewer, I want to see someone win a prize at the end of it all.
shareI think they should only change the finals:
30 best runs (a combo of how far someone got and how fast) should compete on stage 1. No time limit.
There are 10 eliminations.
20 best on stage 2. No time limit.
There are 10 eliminations.
10 best on stage 3. No time limit.
There are 5 eliminations.
5 best on stage 4. No time limit.
Top 3 win. 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize. They can still have a special/better prize just in case (a) someone was in first place on all four stages, (b) someone completes all four stages.
Each stage of the finals should be its own two-hour show. Since only five people are competing on stage 4, make the first hour clips from throughout the season that hadn't aired before (so while the season is progressing, they save some interesting, funny etc. stuff that happened, maybe including some behind the scenes stuff, bloopers, etc.)
For one, it sucked not even seeing stage 4. And we only got to see two people try stage 3. The show is more fun when you get to watch many different people attempt the same course.
They also need to keep up the creativity on the obstacles. There should be at least a couple new obstacles every week. Maybe have a competition for obstacle design, too.
Anyone else notice the cliffhanger grip has been slightly enlarged with a bit of a curve? I noticed this before last season.
Not a huge deal. I guess its ok considering they included a jumping portion. I just remember that it had gotten crazy thin that only your fingertips barely fit.
Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right
I'm fine with the back stories, I like hearing about their lives. However, lets limit them to people who actually complete the course, not people who go out the first obstacle. I would like to see more leg strength obstacles, I get tired of watching everyone just hanging there. Don't forget leg day Ninja Warrior!
shareYeah, I'd agree with that. There are too many upper body strength obstacles. More variety would be nice. More leg strength obstacles, too, balancing, etc.
They could also do flexibility obstacles, like say a series of see-through tubes or boxes, etc. that you have to be flexible to maneuver your body through. There could be a puzzle-like aspect to that, too. (And people could be rescued if they get stuck via making it in halves, with the top half removable.) That would also keep with the ninja theme--it's analogous to having to traverse tricky ductwork.
Large walls with narrow gaps and moving parts, staggered in a way that requires flexibility to climb through and wits to figure out would be interesting, too.
I like the idea of using flexibility as well.
shareIf you're going to highlight someone, highlight Geoff and Isaac (the two people who have actually complete the courses). I can't believe after all these seasons NBC finally gets two people to win last season, yet they barely mention them this season. It's like the NBA ignoring Magic and Larry. Isaac didn't need to run, but couldn't they bring him back as a commentator? Or have him sy something to the other competitors to cheer them on? I'd find ways to include them more.
And, like everyone else said, show all runs in Vegas.
And when showing competitors in the stands who only made it to Vegas on a wild card, don't use the Chiron "national finalist" to describe them (cough, Kacy, cough, cough).
shareI was wondering about that, does getting a Wild Card make you a national finalist? At least Kacy qualified on her own one year, but for some of the other Wild Carders, it had me questioning their use of the term.