Why is she smoking?

Children will think smoking is okay and they'll die.

Smoking must be banned in movies.


Smoking is cool and sexy tho.


Not it is sad, especially when a hot chick is doin it


every person i ever met who smoked was both cool and sexy


She's the head of a ruthless drug cartel. Smoking is among the least of her bad habits.


Pablo Escobar never drank much or used his own product but was known to smoke marijuana joints very often to calm his nerves while operating his high stress business. weed and high class hookers were his only vices


...so, murdering dozens in cold blood wasn't a vice? 🤣🤣


yeah bombing that plane with all those innocent people is a vice I suppose


vice doesn't just mean "bad thing "

murdering dozens in cold blood on or off a plane doesent count.


vice doesn't just mean "bad thing"

I've never heard of "vice" being a "good thing."


yeah true , its a certain sub section of bad things .

All vices are bad things ,
but not all bad things are vices


You do kinda have a point, vices in a way have a health problems associated with them, killing people might not directly be a vice even if it was the reason for his fall from grace and support of the locals, which directly did lead to his early demise in a way


The way I understood it , and I've yet to look this up so could be barking up the wrong tree , is that a vice is a bad habit that you're doing for you're own pleasure:
smoking, drinking , drugs , prostitution ..... jammy dohnuts etc

Escobar having people killed is probably something he'd rather not do , but its a necessity to maintain reign of terror and keep the business running.
