Ridiculous Plot Hole

Why would Cobra implement an 'abort' option into the nuclear briefcase? Even if they wanted a failsafe in case Joe captured the device (implausible b/c Joe would never risk civilian casualties to target Cobra), wouldn't they at least password protect it? Ridiculous deus ex machina.


It was designed by Dr Doofenschmirts


There is some pretty advanced tech in this movie, and everyone is going on about the rods not falling... can't they just give them a little push to get them going? If it's weightless, surely it only needs the slightest of nudges, to be on its' way.


not just it would not the "abort" option, it would destroy the weapon either


It's not necessarily a plot hole, but it is utterly ridiculous.

Not even so much that there was an abort button, but, the fact that pressing the button not only aborted the launch... but, also blew up each of the stations completely.


An even bigger plot hole is the destruction of London by a telephone pole made of tungsten, sure the US have had plans for such a weapon (See: God Rod or Project Thor) but they weren't implemented because they're horribly difficult to aim correctly at anything but a stationary bunker and the system would be very difficult to put up there.

Also while it would have a yield around 120 tons of TNT it would still only be affecting around a square meter area, not destroy an entire city.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


I actually thought that the ability to drop a metal rod to earth from orbit was a violation of Newtonian Physics and thus a huge plot hole, but OK.

Maybe Cobra Commander wanted an auto destruct in the program in case of malfunction.


I defer to others on the science behind dropping a rod from space. But you would think there would be a code or have to hit two buttons at once, or something. The abort button could easily have been accidentally pressed imo
