This movie should be shown in all film schools as an example of what a movie shouldn't be. It's not by far the worst movie Ive seen but the people who made it should know better. Seemed contrived, forced and just terrible. Oh, I said that already.
Couldn't agree more ! This film made me want to throw up! Will take him in bachelor party over this " feel good " crap any day. Usually like Hanks' roles but this character made want to kick his ass! If I ever win the lottery, my dream is to purchase all prints of this film and the negative and have them destroyed for the good of all mankind.
This movie should be shown in all film schools as an example of what a movie shouldn't be. It's not by far the worst movie Ive seen but the people who made it should know better. Seemed contrived, forced and just terrible. Oh, I said that already.
Couldn't agree more. Trite, predictable, silly, mawkish...and Hanks character behaves as if he's never been out in the world before.
This film would never have gotten made if Hanks were not a Big Star who wanted to direct. He wrote his own screenplay, starred in it, and was apparently too close to it to see just how lame it is. Roberts is miscast, for one thing; I assume she did it as a favor or...well, who knows? Maybe she thought it would be good or maybe she just had some free time.
This movie is like a bad tv series, and even has that look, that kind of dialogue, and that kind of impact.
And a little research would have helped. A teacher does not declare her class "cancelled". If it doesn't "make" because of low enrollment, the department decides that. So much silliness.
Nothing good to say about this utter embarrassment.
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Hanks character behaves as if he's never been out in the world before.
If you actually watched the movie, you'd know he hadn't really been.
He went from HS to the Navy for 20 years, then in to the job at the store. He got married, but had no kids and didn't seem to branch out much. I don't remember him having many friends who weren't neighbors or people at the diner.
This film would never have gotten made if Hanks were not a Big Star who wanted to direct.
And that is different than a sh!t load of movies how???
Roberts is miscast, for one thing;
I didn't think so. She always seems b!tchy and uninteresting to me.
And a little research would have helped. A teacher does not declare her class "cancelled". If it doesn't "make" because of low enrollment, the department decides that. So much silliness.
Would you please cite your reference for this?
Even if you can pull something out of your azz, what difference does it make? Was this movie supposed to be 100% accurate? Do you really think it takes that much effort for Larry to turn off the GPS? Do you really think someone who was an executive of a large chain store would have to take a job as a pizza delivery guy?
I didn't love this movie - I just took it as it was. A little movie that wasn't supposed to change the world; just give a different view of it.
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Yep, vomit-inducingly bad, this one. It's been a while since I rolled my eyes so hard while watching a movie that I felt I had had a decent workout by the time the credits mercifully started rolling.