Just terrible

This movie should be shown in all film schools as an example of what a movie shouldn't be. It's not by far the worst movie Ive seen but the people who made it should know better. Seemed contrived, forced and just terrible. Oh, I said that already.


the tattoo that said soy sauce was cool.

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


Lol, nothing in the movie was cool :(


the pipe larry got from his neighbor was epic cool!

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


Lol, you're nitpicking to find something cool in this movie:). When it ended I was in shock. What a load of nothing !


the e in crowne is for excellent. trust me.

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


Haha. I agree with you here, That extra 'e' at the end did stand for something but I was thinking more along the lines of exasperating.


beaver fever! i guess i've caught it!

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


Indeed, seems that you have :)


The soundtrack was cool?


the tattoo that said soy sauce was cool.

 When I watched it the other day I was laughing when Talia compared her tattoo to what was on the soy sauce packet.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.


yep. 



When I watched it the other day I was laughing when Talia compared her tattoo to what was on the soy sauce packet.

The joy of soy!

"She filled the blank with a tube of denture cream and a false sense of superiority."



sake is fun! 

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


Didnt like the casting. These people would never hang out together.


I concur, cast seemed like a motley crew of actors.


Aah, I don't know. This is a bit of fluff, certainly not Citizen Kane, but then I don't think Tom Hanks was trying to make Citizen Kane. What I like about it was that it is positive and simple. And it doubled its money worldwide, so its existence was financially justified. So just let it go...



Even after all your justification I still think I wasted 90 or how many minutes of my life. But of course you're entitled to your opinion.


it's citizen crowne.

“Can't go wrong with taupe."- Wynn Duffy


Lol, guess it is :)


some folks 'got it'.

today's special: shrimp ceviche!


I got that it's an insult to a classic.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


But has Tom Hanks actually shown up that he cannot in fact act very well. We were tricked with clever editing, music and scripts.

Perhaps he is the "Joey from Blossom" that sneaked into the A listers by some fluke, going for Paul Newman roles, when really he is a retarded, fart in the wind, with a lisp.

My favorite film of his Volunteers (1985), but only the short scene with his then wife to be Rita Wilson on the airplane going abroad.

aside from that he must have fluked his way through.


Boring ridiculous train wreck. Cringe-worthy



Piled on another layer of stupidity topped with embarrassing acting


Boring ridiculous train wreck. Cringe-worthy

Yep. In spades.


After I saw this movie I thought unemployment seemed so much fun that I told off my boss and got fired. It's not as much fun as the film showed. 

Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded. Yogi Berra


Contrived is the perfect word for it. I couldn't identify any reason Hanks and Roberts should end up together at the end of this movie other than the fact that they had to wrap it up somehow. The movie started as a story about a middle-aged guy who loses his job--a decent enough set up for any number of possibilities even with the comedic overtone. Then it meandered into being about...nothing, so they just tied it up by having the two of them get together for no reason. Just awful.


This was a great premise, and actually I think a guy in my screenwriting class about three years ago pitched an idea really similar to this one. I bet his script was better and it was the one that should have been made. It's just painfully obvious that this was written by people who haven't been to college in at least twenty years; none of this rang true. And I'm sorry, but HOW has Mrs. Tainot not had her ass fired yet? The writers needed to decide: did she not give a $hit about teaching anymore, or was she upset that the STUDENTS didn't care? It can't be both! And then all of a sudden everyone loved her class? And they spent approximately 5 minutes on the plot points that really mattered (the love story and Larry becoming educated) and the rest of the movie on nothing. I'm sorry this was ever made, because another writer and director could have done it so much better - even with the same cast.

I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.


larry isn't for those who should, only for those who crowne.

Aloha, Mr. Hand.


It went off the track of believabilty so many times that I finally could go no farther. The whole thing left a bad taste in your mouth. Has anybody involved with it have any common sense?


Yes, it really was just terrible. Completely unrealistic, not funny, pointless. The movie just showed how bad companies are treating their employees. That's it.
