MovieChat Forums > Puncture (2012) Discussion > A drug addict with a perfect physique

A drug addict with a perfect physique

Only in Hollywood.

Bela Lugosi's dead.


You would be surprised how many drug addicts live normal lives. A lot of times it doesn't go down hill until they run out of money or can't get anymore.


not those that have fallen down the ladder all the way to hard drugs.

Life's too short for mediocrity.



The term "functioning addict" refers to these kinds of people who live like Mike Weiss in the film, people who are undoubtedly addicted to drugs but still manage to keep up appearances or maintain some kind of normalcy in their lives (good relationships with families and friends, hold down a steady job or a career etc.)

However, it's nearly impossible for anybody to stay "functional" like this forever. Only the most deceptive (particularly at deceiving themselves), and the most heavily enabled, can keep the facade going for years or even decades, but living that way is exhausting and eventually the drug will pervade every corner of your life.

There just isn't room for addiction to coexist peacefully within a conventional, productive lifestyle, be it drugs or something else. For some people it's a slow and gradual rot that creeps into their lives, and for others it is a sudden and dramatic downward spiral of destruction. But the common denominator for everyone is that addiction itself is an all-consuming force, and no addict can escape that. I speak from personal experience.


If the film is true to life, he was barely functioning. Not showing up to work, being late for an important deposition...his friendship is the only reason he still had a job.
I don't care how brilliant you are. Sometimes just showing up is half the job.
Businesses are businesses to make money.
Hollywood loves this flawed but brilliant antihero trope. I wonder how much is really true and how much the studio/producers made him change the story to "teach people a lesson". No one in movies can have ambiguous morals.

There are functioning addicts, of course, but they would never keep a job/career if they displayed half this behavior/lack of responsibility.

Conceive Deceive or Leave


Its kind of hard to say this with out stereotyping - I mean a guy who smokes marijuana daily and a guy who does heroin daily are both (legally speaking) druggies. I do not consider weed a drug but that is a long argument in itself..

With that being said I don’t know what drug he is on I can guess its cocaine, so yeah I think its perfectly believeable that some one who can afford coke (which he can since he is a lawyer) can have a physique like that... now if they say he was on heroin or crystal meth... then it will be a comedy because, not that i have ever touched those drugs. I just would find it hard to believe after watching shows like Intervention that he could stand for 3-4 hour court sessions with out throwing up and falling asleep, much less speak to a normal person with out seeing he is obviously off his rocker HIGH.




Not totally. Cocaine and marijuana are mentioned and there are scenes of him injecting what appears to be heroin. Hard to say if he was addicted to one specific drug or if he had an addictive personality and wreckless predisposition.


He could have been shooting cocaine. But since they were smoking meth in the same scene my bet is it was H too

Conceive Deceive or Leave


Wasn't that crack they were smoking?


Its hard for me to remember the specific scene now but...

If the pipe has a bulb at the end (or is an actual light bulb)and they are lighting it in a simmering type of a way and also holding it front of the face towards the floor position--then its most likely meth.

If its a straight pipe and they are holding the fire to it and the pipe is positioned towards the sky/ceiling then it is most likely crack.

SOURCE: Nat Geo's docu-series DRUGS and INTERVENTION

I can't hear you over the volume of my hair.


Of course, they're never going to depict high functioning non-self-destructive drug addicts on TV but there are people who can *only* function at a high capacity with the opiates they need and, in some countries, at some points in history, they have been able to get them through government health care programs for free, believe it or not. And under such circumstances, they can live long and productive opiate-enriched lives, propaganda be damned.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


But the heroin (and cocaine) addict can beat a drug test in 2-3 days, a marijuana addict (if this exists-lets say smoker instead) will test + for sometimes 30 days due to it being fat soluble instead of water.
Looked to me he was doing coke and heroin (or at least the pills he popped were hydrocodone which is a weaker chemical equivalent of herion). They showed him smoking meth too if I remember correctly.

Conceive Deceive or Leave


Vitarays. It's all explained in Captain America.



Killing people is easy...if you can forget the taste of sugar.


Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


Maybe he's addicted to steroids, which would be a hilarious twist and actually make this film worth watching for intentional comedic value rather than unintentional.


Actually, i've seen many drugged out people who act sort of manic, and they work out a lot when they're up, trying to pump up with the adrenaline of the upswing. And i guess which drug makes a difference, an upper or a downer. It's not like people in good shape never had a drug problems.


I think you missed the part that stated "functioning drug addict". This is based on a true story folks. I am not saying the real Mike Weiss was as physically fit as Evans; however, he did appear to his clients as a normal, "go get 'em" type lawyer. And he was quite the ladies man.


You're right hcole, Mile Weiss was an extremely high functioning and physically fit drug addict. He was a brilliant young man with a bright future who was able to fool those closest to him including his family, his wife and his law partner, who was a close friend since childhood.
High functioning drug addicts are much more common than you would imagine. Mike's intellect and passion enabled him to hide his addiction from his loved ones until it was too late. His loss was a tragedy.


So you're saying that drug addicts can't be in shape? I've seen plenty of them who at least appear to be in prime physical condition, on the outside anyway. Who knows what's going on inside, though.

But, yeah, you can be lean and good looking and be a drug addict.


Just like many Hollywood stars.


But his addiction shows in his horrible wardrobe choices, especially those shirts...


I am glad I am not the only one who thought this.


I loved every *beep* item of clothing he wore, but then, I'm a drug addict.
