MovieChat Forums > Tiny Furniture (2012) Discussion > Life must be difficult for corpulant wom...

Life must be difficult for corpulant women

I am kind of pointing out the obvious here. From a guy's point of view, there are so many attractive girls around in Western Society that I don't see why anyone would approach a bigger woman. Easy access to porn has set a new standard for men's expectations.

Then again I can't find myself to be too sympathetic because their weight and figure is an entirely self-created handicap. It's not that difficult to lose weight, unless they have some physical condition that's making them fat, like Type 2 diabetes. I, with all my generosity, tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that all fat people have diabetes.

I'm not sure if fat men are in a similar predicament as I've heard that women don't need as much physical attraction and tend to rely on emotional attraction. I'm doubtful that there is any truth to that. What are your thoughts ladies?


OP is making a point. Posters are just attacking without addressing it.

Lena Dunham is subtly putting forth the idea that 'women of size' are entitled to anything and everything, just because. They should all feel great about themselves, even though they've achieved nothing. They demand equality without merit.

Its the result of PC feminist brainwashing in colleges and universities over the last 25 years. Its lead to 'hipsters'. Every one should have high self esteem, regardless. Its a huge problem in America today. Its why young people, especially young women, feel so entitled today.

Its not like you have to work your ass off to get what you want anymore.


I've read posts you've made on other threads and you seem to hate women (especially feminists) and everybody else who doesn't fit into your criteria. I suggest you get some counselling to deal with your misogyny, it's making you look bitter.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


Thanks for the advice, but no thanks.

I love women, I have many female friends, and I relate better to women than I do to men.

I don't like today's feminists. Its a movement that has jumped the tracks, and I know many men and women who agree.

I am bitter about screwed up women who blame all their problems on men and misogyny.

I'm bitter about PC leftists who have created a culture of identity politics and non-existent victimization.

The issues I'm raising are very real. Its time for a push back against PC. I think more and more people are coming around to this realization.

My hatred of Dunham is a little over the top, so I'll think about that.


What about men who are bitter about women and blame all their problems on feminists and their so called emasculation of men?

I'll bet Donald Trump is your hero.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


What about men who are bitter about women and blame all their problems on feminists and their so called emasculation of men?

You're putting words in my mouth.

I'll bet Donald Trump is your hero.

You couldn't be more wrong.

How about making a logical point instead of personal attacks?

Here is a brilliant woman saying the same thing I am, she's a breast cancer survivor as well. Discuss.


Diabetes can't make you fat.

Are you not entertained?!


Fat can make you diabetes.

Life is difficult for corpulent women, and Lena Dunham isn't going to change that. Diet, exercise and motivation, maybe


We get it, you hate Lena Dunham. Why do you keep making posts about her if you despise her so much?

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.
