MovieChat Forums > Tiny Furniture (2012) Discussion > Life must be difficult for corpulant wom...

Life must be difficult for corpulant women

I am kind of pointing out the obvious here. From a guy's point of view, there are so many attractive girls around in Western Society that I don't see why anyone would approach a bigger woman. Easy access to porn has set a new standard for men's expectations.

Then again I can't find myself to be too sympathetic because their weight and figure is an entirely self-created handicap. It's not that difficult to lose weight, unless they have some physical condition that's making them fat, like Type 2 diabetes. I, with all my generosity, tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that all fat people have diabetes.

I'm not sure if fat men are in a similar predicament as I've heard that women don't need as much physical attraction and tend to rely on emotional attraction. I'm doubtful that there is any truth to that. What are your thoughts ladies?


Being fat causes diabetes, not the other way around. The people you see are gross animals, pure and simple.

Difficult? They eat what they want, sit around, eat some more, get subsidized healthcare for their obesity-related illnesses, have a feast, and they still get sexual attention, because there aren't in fact that many normal girls around anymore.


yes but first off hot girls usually can have any guy they want so they are very picks and also most people (66% of population overall - more women than men) are overweight or obese- so in reality there's actually not tons of hot thin girls to choose from for most guys unless there's something special about those guys.

Sometimes the difference between self-amusement and self-actualization is less than you think.



First, if you're going to use big words please spell them correctly (read: corpulent.) As a type 1 diabetic female who is 26 years of age and of a very healthy BMI I find your opinions and misconceptions extremely offensive. As another user said (in his/her one intelligent thought in their comment,) it is not type 2 diabetes that causes obesity but the other way around. I am surpised you even differentiated between type 1 and 2 in your post as most ignorant people don't know the difference. I do not find Lena corpulent nor (as another user responded) is this even really pertinent to the content of the film. When Aura and Charlotte discuss the comments left in response to Lena's video, those about her weight/figure seem to hardly phase Aura. In my opinion, both the portayal of Aura in this film and of Hannah in Girls is meant to show that average, normal, real-life sized women can actually just live their lives and not be obsessed with their figures or how they're seen by anyone, let alone the opposote sex. Sidenote though - I do find it interesting that both Aura and Hannah seem extremely self-conscious/timid in other areas of themselves/their lives. I wonder if this is intentional.

As you point out and as timlin-4's remark about there not being "many normal girls around anymore," sadly affirms, "Easy access to porn has set a new standard for men's expectations."

It's just a shame that men's expectations are so heavily (no pun intended) based on appearance and weight.


Troll harder a-hole.



Weight isn't that simple for women. Your body wants to hang onto fat to enable pregnancy, etc. Didn't you ever notice how on shows like "Survivor" guys lose a lot of weight and girls tone up a little? Also, it's harder to sculpt a woman's body. You can't go build up muscle like guys can.

You can turn most guys into something attractive with exercise, grooming and clothes. You can't really do that with most women.


Life must be difficult for ignorant men.

I am kind of pointing out the obvious here. From a girl's point of view, there are so many educated men around in Western Society that I don't see why anyone would approach a dim-witted man. Easy access to colleges and information via the internet has set a new standard for women's expectations.

Then again, I can't find myself to be too sympathetic because their ignorance and stupidity is an entirely self-created handicap. It's not that difficult to gain knowledge, unless they have some physical condition that's preventing them from doing so, like a learning disability. I, with all my generosity, tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume that all ignorant people have learning disabilities.

I'm not sure if ignorant women are in a similar predicament, as I've heard that men don't need as much mental stimulation and tend to rely on physical attraction. I'm doubtful that there is any truth to that. What are your thoughts, gentlemen?

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling!"




OP is hilarious. all fat people have diabetes?! ahaha. amazing


Great post, fleaforme23!!


I love you.


It's 2015 and your reply still deserves an IMDb medal!


OP's post is better.


Easy access to porn has set a new standard for men's expectations.

LOL. I would have thought the exact opposite.
