That sheepdog-haired kid annoyed the crap out of me. It's understandable that a young kid would hound his crush, but a guy going into high school should be able to understand a firm "no, I'm not interested in you." Instead the kid is coddled by the adults in his life and told never to give up on love. Barf.
I mostly loved this movie but yes, I totally agree that's a really wrongheaded message to give a young boy. I know from a target myself of someone like that boy, that someone becoming obsessed with one person to the point of never being willing to take no for an answer is NOT healthy, and that won't be a healthy relationship even if one comes of it.
That "never give up on love" message is actually not a good one. Sometimes the only healthy thing to do is give up.
I'm sorry, why are KIDS learning anything from this movie? Or ANY movie? Is this substitute for parenting these days?
What parent would even take their kid to this film? What KID would be remotely interested in this plot or movie?
It's PG-13 but hopefuly the "P"arents "G"uiding their kids are smart enough to not show them this. Just because it lacks enough swearing and sex and gore to not be "R" rated, does not mean the plot is for children.
So, if people think movies are REAL guidelines for life and education, I get why society is a mess now.
It's JUST ENTERTAINMENT, folks, not a new bible
true, but literally humans have been raised on stories with messages to get them to follow a way or change behaviors, from Greek myths, to the bible, to books, and now movies.