yes, friend, i have noticed that detail too. i pondered it a bit, and my conclusion was the same as yours that it's an odd slip by Fincher, being he is usually very meticulous.
yes i specifically remember being thrown off by the darkness, as you were. i remember wondering 'ummm, how come it's instantly dark?' (more like, WTF instead of ummm, lol)
let me just say, for anyone who has watched this as many times as i have, i know literally every single frame by heart lol and still love to rewatch this film anytime anywhere. there are some tiny odd little things i noticed about it here and there, and sometimes i posted about those, but none of those little hiccups ruined my appreciation for this masterpiece.
one is the waitress in the cafe and her resemblance to Mikail's daughter. VERY similar, visually speaking. i hate when directors make this slip-up. it throws me off because i'm wondering why he is so silent with his daughter in the cafe lol. "is he mad at her?" lol
(i made a thread about this, kinda trolling but i couldn't resist)
obviously i eventually figured out it is two different actresses, but my gripe is WHY EVEN make it close enough to place the question on anyone's radar? IMO they should do due diligence to go far enough to make a DISTINCT difference visually so no one will be distracted from the story line by wondering about silly incongruent details such as this.
anywho, this is one of my favorite films of all time. i love all of fincher's work, but this one is my ultimate favorite. can't speak highly enough of it. it just somehow strikes a nerve deep within me.... makes me wanna go to sweden and ride that train in the snow!!!