Do you think Mikael knew......?

* * * SPOILER ALERT * * *
I was just wondering: At the end of the movie: Do you think that Mikael Blomkvist knew that it was Lisbeth who was the lady that went to Zürich to make all the financial transactions on the "behalf" of Wennerstrøm?


Absolutely. I never thought that was ambiguous at all, but rather obvious.


Actually no I don't think he did. While I've not read the books so I can't be sure, I would find it hard to believe that he would know that and then not ask her what she was planning to do with TWO BILLION EUROS, which is a frankly insane amount of money. I find it very hard to believe that he would know she had effectively stolen that much money and just casually shrug it off....


I think he suspected but couldn't be sure. You'd think if he knew she brought down Wennerstrom AND took most of his money, he'd fall hard for her and end up with her in the end.


In the book he knew.
