Post Here Only If You Were Alive During JFK's Presidency
I'd like to hear from older people who remember JFK's Presidency. There are many who remember when he was shot and his death was big news for America. I have older friends who are in their 60's who were teenagers or age 18 when JFK was shot and remember where they were when it happened. My neighbor was at the time a 17 year old in a rock band practicing for his next gig when he heard it in the news on TV.
So whether you were a kid, teenager or adult during JFK's Presidency, what was it like ? What are your memories of this time and of his death. Do you feel that they portrayed that time period and JFK's Presidency accurately ? I think that it's very hard to recreate any time period to perfection but I have a feeling that this mini series didn't really do that good a job of making it look like the early 60's and of portraying what it was really like during the JFK era in America. They mostly looked like they were more interested in having actors dress up to look exactly like JFK, Jackie and Bobby and showing highlights of his Presidency - Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis, Marilyn Monroe's death, his affairs with other women and his assassination in Dallas.
Anyways I was born in 1980, so the 60's and JFK was long before my time. At this time my mother was around 12 or 13 years old, but she was not living in the US. She heard it over the news in Spain. I can only use my imagination and look at photographs and video footage of this time period to get a sense of what it was like; but for those who were really there, it must be an entirely different experience altogether. Share your story. Thank you.