MovieChat Forums > No Hard Feelings (2023) Discussion > Skinny nerdy jewish boy with attractive ...

Skinny nerdy jewish boy with attractive white woman... a cliche that has been around for a very long time.

The amount of movies with skinny nerdy jewish boys with attractive white women is insane. It's like they do it to taunt everyone that is aware of what is happening. At some point society needs to stand up and realize that the same people who rule hollywood, rule the banks, rule the upper levels of government, have seized much of the academic and medical spheres and more. If countless movies had a skinny nerdy chinese boy with a white woman everyone would consistently point out the pattern. But it's the "chosen ones" so we must pretend like it's not happening.


Great post OP


Where is the attractive white woman? Fatso Lawrence you mean?


Hey, aren't you the fucker who implied I was a 'misogynist' or an 'incel' on another thread?

And here you are FAT-SHAMING a perfectly slender and physically fit woman (not that it would make it any better if you were shaming a *genuinely* overweight woman).


You are right. I am a fucker and you are an incel. Keep simping J-Lardass from your mom's basement, dork.


Keep trashing good looking women from your moms basement while your mutant incel ass is covered in cheeto dust


It's clear that the poster is not a guy , usually people who trash good looking female celebrities are ugly frustrated women that feel envy/jelousy towards them.


Agreed !


But this film is MOCKING this dynamic. It's hardly celebrating it.

Obviously your post is riddled with your frankly disturbing and wholly misguided anti-Semitism, but even if one were to take your BS at face-value, the fact of the matter is, this film is DEMEANING Jewish men, and PRAISING the token blonde shiksa.


He's not demeaning as his opinion is insignificant.


"this film is DEMEANING Jewish men, and PRAISING the token blonde shiksa."

Good point! Hollywood reinforcing stereotypes.


Is this really true? :O I thought about seeing it but I am not sure how I feel about supporting a movie that demeans such an important culture


What do you propose be done about these people who rule hollywood, the banks and the upper levels of the government?


Skinny nerdy Jewish boy is a white dude. Jews are Caucasian, except for guys like Sammy Davis, Jr. who just chose to become a Jew.


No. Jews are semitic or arab or middle eastern. Just because they have European blood through mixing doesn't make them "white", no more than Obama is white for having a white mom.


Most white women love Jewish men! White women also love negros.


Whatever you have to tell yourself, lol.
