Her doing a subpar job was not what was being defended. I'm 100% sure that I am in the field, and 100% sure that you don't know what you're talking about. What was being defended was the personal attacks that people were making on the woman. She's fat, and therefore has no self control and therefore is bad at her job, WHAT?! One thing has nothing to do with another. Also, if "not having your life together and being fat" is the reason she shouldn't be respected, most people in the mental health field are coming from a place of understanding and compassion because they too have mental illnesses themselves.
If your issue is with people insulting her weight or how she puts herself together, fine, but that was not in your post! You wrote about mental health professionals having mental illness. What in God's name is that about? Even if that were true, that's not a pass to do a subpar job. Nor is talking about salary. It doesn't take a high salary to do a job that meets the standards of your profession, and if you really work in mental health, you know what those standards are. Your post was meant to cut slack to subpar mental health profressionals by using ridiculous logic and falsehoods.
Are you really setting the bar so low, excuses like that fly for one of the most important areas in aiding individuals in need? Teachers also don't get paid well. Would that be an excuse to do a poor job in education? Of course not! If you are talking about salary in response to dress or hair, well then, it doesn't take much money to look clean and put together.
Bottom line, your first post here was unclear, unfocused, immature, and you sound no more fit to work in mental health care than an acrobat with chronic vertigo. I still don't think you actually do. Not buying it. Otherwise, Heaven help your clients based on your scattered logic and low standards for the profession.