MovieChat Forums > Teen Mom (2009) Discussion > Amber spending $900 on her daughters clo...

Amber spending $900 on her daughters clothes?!?!?!?

That was such a waste of money!! I feel the whole scene was staged. Like us poor people at home are supposed to be soooo impressed that Amber has that kind of money. Between the house, furniture, cars and the pets she will be broker than broke when the MTV paychecks stop rolling in.

I'll bet she doesn't even have $900 put away for Leah's college.

It is just so wasteful to spend that kind of money on kids clothes - she will grow out of them before you know it. And the outfit for the 1st day of school was beyond inappropriate, I'm glad she didn't wear it.

I love that Gary and his wife and not flashy with money - and even buy stuff on clearance....that is totally how I shop:)


Agree! All those dresses are totally innapropriate for playing on the playground and pe. Kids need to be comfortable.


Right? People have been giving Gary a hard time for not having Leah wear one of the dresses that Amber bought, but he said that he thought they were too heavy for school. They looked much more like dresses you would wear to church or for having your picture taken. They were hardly clothes a child can run and play in - the price alone shows that.


Agree, that was a bit much. I spent about $300 on my son this year at Marshall's and got a ton of brand name stuff. I am glad I can get his shoes there. He just turned 13 and now in men's size shoes. I went to a shoe store in the mall and they want like $70 bucks for sneakers. Got him a pair of Adidas and Under Armor sneakers for $30 each at Marshall's. I am also a clearance shopper, and also shop at Goodwill and Garage sales.


He just turned 13 and now in men's size shoes. I went to a shoe store in the mall and they want like $70 bucks for sneakers.

That's all. My 6 & 8 yr old sneakers are between $70 & $90!

I wish IMDB had a like button.


Yeah, those clothes were ridiculous for school. It was such a Farrah move.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


Ugh it just made me sick to hear that she spent that much on it. Kristina's said it all though lol. She was just sitting there like wtf, seriously?? I saved like crazy and was able to spend around 100 on my sons back to school / winter clothes, then my mom gave us 50 to help out. That included 7 pairs of jeans, two pairs of shoes and a ton of cute shirts from Ross and Walmart.


Ha! Kristina's face did say it all! Just watching the clothes roll in like "...ooooook then". I thought she and Gary actually handled it well, telling Leah that those clothes would be too hot and heavy for the weather on the first day of school, rather than saying what we all were thinking, which was that those clothes were ridiculous to purchase in the first place.

I'm lucky that my neighbor has a daughter a few sizes ahead of my daughter so she hands all her clothes down to me. I label them and put them in the attic, and before the start of each school year we go "attic shopping".


Well a lot of us technically have that money and could spend it on clothes if we wanted to be in debt in the near future, which Amber apparently does.


This just shows how little Amber has been a "full time mom." Because anyone that has, knows that kids that age, wear comfy and breathable clothes.
And most kids don't wear a dress that dressy, for every day school. That is usually reserved for the class holiday party or maybe picture day.
Just shows how limited Amber is in parenting and in making life decisions, in general.
And why did she have to say how much it all cost? Bragger!!
She just doesn't get it, because she has never had to.


Yes! Was Leah expected to play on the swings during recess or run during PE in those clothes? I have no doubt that she would have gotten in trouble if she had gotten them dirty and kids do get dirty. It's just one of those things. They are going to get grass stains when they fall down on the playground. They will get dirty from digging in a sandbox. They will get sweaty from playing tag. They will spill ketchup at lunch. You send your kids to school in clothes that make sense. Those dresses made sense for picture day.


I don't see an issue with this. Who cares how much she spends on her kids clothes. I spend a lot of money on my kids clothes and shoes because I happen to like certain kid brands that are more expensive. To each their own. Nothing wrong with spending a ton of money and nothing wrong with limiting your cost.


Just you tell people how much you spent? Amber and Matt made a point of saying it two times. It's like Amber was rubbing it in Gary and Kristina's face. No need for them to be bragging about it. If she never said the amount my only thought would have been "wow what is an inappropriate dress for school" - it was way to dressy for school.


Haven't seen the ep yes so didnt realize she was bragging about how much she spent. I definitely don't tell anyone how much I spend on things unless Im specifically asked what a certain item cost by another mom.
No reason for Amber and Matt to have said multiple times what they spent, its no ones business. Kinda weird. I have no problem with the amount if thats what she chooses to spend but inappropriate to brag about it... pretty classless.


I don't actually think that amount of money spent on clothes for a new school year is a big deal either. The main part that was odd was Amber blew it all in one boutique for impractical clothing. Then when she seemed to brag about it, it's obvious she wasn't being practical about it from the start. I agree with those saying she is trying to compensate with the material goods.

But just the notion of spending 900 total for school clothing? If someone can afford it and buys clothes that actually can be worn at school, why not?


It's dumb for a person like Amber that doesn't have a stable income. She could be saving that money for her family's future if not Leah's alone, since that TM paychecks are eventually going bye bye. My parents would maybe spend $200 at most on my clothes, even as a teen, but they also were able to pay for all my expensive activities and I never had to take out loans for college.


While I do agree its wasteful, I think she over compensates for missing so much time with Leah while she was in jail and for not being around her alot now. There are some dads (that are not in the household)that do this because of guilt. I think Gary and Kristina giving side eye about the amount was justified but they could have just given in that once. She was trying to do something nice.
