Leashes on kids.

I don't think anyone really cares if a parent uses a leash for their kids or not but what do you guys think?

"Sometimes what I type doesn't make any sense because of the iPad."— By Me.


I honestly think they are ridiculous.


Completely agree!!


I've got two schools of thoughts on them. I was a single parent with twin daughters, I used them in places like amusement parks and airports during the rambunctious years. Strollers weren't always an option in certain circumstances when they were active walkers, but too young to defend themselves or understand not to run off. Yes, leashes on kids are tacky. But they're a better option than toddlers running around like wild animals or even worse, wandering off in a crowded area.

I view kid leashes as a necessary evil to keep younger ones safe sometimes. And, tbh, they're part of the mommy wars we so often see. No matter how stupid they look, I don't judge parents for choices like that. It's hardly child abuse.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.




I completely agree. Before I had kids I didn't think I'd use a leash on my kids. Now that I have a two and three year old I use the leashes that are attached to the book bags. We have annual passes to Disney and the kids cannot always sit in the stroller, they also have a tendency to run. They're simply at an age where they don't always listen and I'd rather be safe than sorry.


I have twins as well and I used leashes in the same instances. When my husband wasn't there to help and I had two tiny little ones who could run off in very busy places like that it just made sense. With one kid I imagine you could just run after them easily enough, but with twins you can't just leave the one there alone and go after the other. And as used to holding one and running after the other I was, in those types of places you also have bags to deal with etc.

I admit that I did make fun of leashes on kids prior to having my own kids, though. Once I was in the situation I changed my tune.

(Oops I did not mean to post this 3 times)


I think they are ridiculous and I admit I would judge people for using them on their kids. But I was recently flipping through one of my old history books and came across stuff on breeching. In Europe, the aristocracy used to use something called 'leading strings' for teaching children how to walk. The baby leashes I see people using nowadays just look like the modern version of them. You should google some images.

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I have a feeling that most of the people that think they are ridiculous have never had kids themselves. I did too until I had a toddler, and I can see why they are useful. It's very easy for kids pull away from your hand and get lost in a busy mall, and toddlers usually do not want to stay stuck in a stroller for hours.

Dexter: I would give everything to feel nothing again.


Before having kids I thought they looked ridiculous and funny but when I became a mom I realized they do actually serve a purpose. I always had the stroller in the trunk just in case anyway. My priority was to keep my son safe. I HATE seeing kids wondering off without a grown up in sight. Your kid is next to me but you're on the complete opposite side of the store a hundred feet away shopping while your kids could be carried off out of the store and the parent wouldn't even know it.


They can be very helpful for special needs kids, many people don't realize that and judge too harshly.

The only thing constant in life is change


They are ridiculous. My kids are not perfect and my 4 year old has been known to get a little farther away from me than he should on occasion, but I would never put them on a leash. They are children, not dogs.


They will be someone else's possession to do whatever they want, if you're not too careful. I was in a busy (tourist trap) square, and this little kid (around 18 months) just walked on along with me. I saw something on the corner of my eye but didn't think too much of it.

I finally took a closer look, and it's a little boy. He didn't make a fuss. I had to go back and find his mother, who never knew he was gone. So, sometimes, it's best to be safe and "ridiculous" looking than be sorry.


Imo an 18 month old belongs in a stroller in a busy place like that. By the time they're old enough to walk around long enough to not need one they are old enough you can teach them to stay close at all times. But that's just my opinion on it. It doesn't hurt the child so I have no problem with other parents using them on their kids, but I'm still probably going to quietly think they look ridiculous when I see them.


Some parents are disabled and not able to run after their children if they do run away, so this is an option to keep them safe.

You seem very judgemental


I'm judgemental because I have an opinion that is different? I realize that kids aren't perfect and do tend to wander off when they aren't supposed to, but I feel like there are other ways to restrain them without putting them on a leash the way you would an animal.

I believe I also said that I have nothing against people using them, but in my opinion they are ridiculous.


I don't have kids, but I would seriously consider using one if I did. I see too many little kids loose in parking lots and have no wish to run over one, so I'm always glad to see them under control no matter what specific kind of control is being used.


If I had kids, I'd throw them on a leash in heartbeat. If they turn out anything like me as a kid, they'll sprint off every time I turn my head!


My godmother has triplets and used them when they were younger.

Talk of leashes always make me laugh. Of course it comes in handy but it is funny


I used to think they were for parents who had no control over their children. If you raised them right and to listen and do what they were told, you wouldn't have to put a leash on them like a dog. And saying kids will be kids was an excuse for saying "I can't control my kids so I make up excuses for my lack of control". However I do see some good at an amusement park or in certain areas. At least the parents are trying and not letting them just run everywhere while acting like they can't do anything about it. I've softened my stance a little after having kids. Sometimes kids can be lured away or get lost. Whatever I personally believe, I won't fault someone else for trying something like that. I have not and will not use them, but that's just me. They remind me of the SNL sketch along time ago with Mike Meyers, about Simon and his "drawerings" if anyone here is old enough to remember. It as either simon or Philip where the kid was tethered to the money bars and had a helmet.


Lol I remember that SNL skit. I liked the one where Mike Meyers and Amy Power both had their leashes tied to the monkey bars. They kept trying to run off but they'd be yanked back by the leashes haha.


I love the Simon character! Mike Myers was on before I started watching SNL, but where I grew up they used to show the new SNL episode followed by an older one so I got to see it. That's how I finally got to see other things like the church lady and "I live in a van, down by the river!"
