Should this really be made into a movie? I read the first book (Fallen), and it was OK. Not that great, but not terrible. I don't think so, honestly.
shareShould this really be made into a movie? I read the first book (Fallen), and it was OK. Not that great, but not terrible. I don't think so, honestly.
shareTo be honest, I'm not going to read the sequels to Fallen purely because it was a slightly better written Twilight.
I'd give the book two stars out of five. I think there are other books that would be better to have as films.
"Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear."
I agree, so far, the books are not ready to be made in movies.
You will be unprepared- 03/25/11
We don't know where they are going yet. Dunno. Fallen would make a great movie but I'm not sure about Tormented (book 2).
Accio 07/14/11
I support Wonder Bread
District 4
The first two I could see being made into movies, but I have trouble imagining Passion as a film...
I don't need you to make me look stupid; I can do that by myself.
I would like to see the film adaptation of Fallen. The Story kept me wondering what was going to happen next. the second book is just as good. Fallen isn't just about choosing to be with one guy or the other like Twilight the main character (Luce) has her own purpose that isn't quite clear just yet but we have two more books to find out what that purpose is.
shareit should be made into a movie.
the books were great.
Last Films:Hall Pass 6/10,Saw 3D 7/10,Tron 7/10,Due Date 7/10
Definitly! There are more secrets and twists to discover with each book and they are more mature than Twilight for example. I just finished the second one, Torment, and have to say its a really good add to the first. A new setting, new issues and a perfect build up to the 3rd. Would make perfect movies!
shareI wish people would stop comparing every romance novel to Twilight. Twilight should not play a factor as these are completely different books.
That being said, Fallen in itself is not a fascinating book. I remember loving it the first time, but struggled through it the second time. However, reading its sequel Torment definitely changed my mind. I devoured the second book; it was interesting right away and introduced some new fascinating characters. And for that I shall look forward to the Fallen movie: so that they may perhaps make a Torment movie.
They're making movies out of everything these days, regardless of whether they're actually good or not. It's quite repulsive, really.
I only do it with superheroes.
Fallen was a great book and i kinda want them to make a movie of it, because i am curious to see how the do the angel battle effects, BUT i dont want them to make it a movie because i heard that they were gunna put DISNEY STARS in the movie, DISNEY STARS!! As for Twilight, the story line was good but i mean come one people Twilight is in no compare to Fallen. All im sayin' is they better not ruin a perfectly good book.
shareI have not read the book but I love fallen angels stuff.There is not enough movies or books about them and fallen is a great way to put them out.I admit I like Twilight but the whole vampire thing is getting worn out.I bet some folks are going to ridicule this cause disney is producing it and will compare it to twilight.But oh,well I want my fallen angels stuff.
My mom's been *beep* a dead guy for 30 years. I call him dad. _Clerks
Fallen was pretty good. I like her writing style better than the story. Also, the Fallen series is way too much like Twilight (and much more like Twilight than a lot of other paranormal stuff out there):
1. The book is essentially a girl obsessing about a hot paranormal guy. That's fine, and it was a main plot point in paranormal romance before Twilight, but since Twilight a lot of paranormal romances have focused on the obsession almost single-mindedly and let the plot fall by the wayside (this worked for Stephanie Meyers, and now everyone is doing it). Yeah, in Fallen the MC has a history, but way too much of the book was spent describing every detail of what Daniel was wearing that day.
2.Fallen angels are essentially the Twilight vampires with wings. Good, cursed, hot and fighting against their evil brethren without any real explanation why some are evil.
3. The girl is "special" but the author doesn't bother to explain why. Just like in Twilight, the girl's ability is a linchpin of the story, but is never explained or explored. In contrast, take Sookie Stackhouse - she can read minds because she's part fairy - there's an explanation.
4. The series even follows the same trajectory as Twilight. The first book they meet and the obsessive girl tries to find out hot guy's secrets. The second book, hot guy leaves.
Also, in the Fallen series, there was a huge drop-off in quality after the second book.
I'm hoping it will be explained in the final book why she's special. It seems like Lauren Kate has been leading up to that and we'll find out when we find out about the first time Daniel and Luce meet.
I don't need you to make me look stupid; I can do that by myself.
I HAVE read the entire series, and everything I said is totally true in my opinion. It was clearly a filler book. And it didn't make ANY sense at all. Girls in past centuries were long married at age 17, and in several instances the girl was actually older than the Lucinda who is the main character (I believe the Luci who was a war nurse was older).
The author did a lot of research on the time periods, that much was totally clear. But the research was shallow. It was all about how those cultures looked, not about how the societies really were.
She had a huge opportunity to show how a girl's role in society has changed - how centuries ago girls were essentially chattle and reproductive vessels, and now they can go to school and have careers. But she didn't do this. She made it a shallow Twilighty book.
I haven't heard anything about Disney STARS, but Disney is the studio producing it, so that alone is guaranteed to make it go downhill unless Disney does this like Pirates of the Carribbean and makes it mature and enjoyable for an audience that reads this series.
shareNo, it shouldn't be made into a movie. But then I didn't think Twilight should either. Sometimes I don't understand why people go so nuts over poorly written melodramas.
Whatever you can dream, I can destroy.
Why all of these so-called paranormal "melodramas" are all compared and bashed like Twilight?And why does every fantasy book and movie is compared to Hp?Seriously they are not the first or last romance and fantasy book movie series.I wish folks would stop gassing them up like they were the last two books on earth.It is like people cannot like nothing else.
My mom's been *beep* a dead guy for 30 years. I call him dad. _Clerks
I agree with you that there's nothing new about Twilight, and comparing all the new paranormal romances to Twilight is giving Twilight a status it really shouldn't have.
Twilight is essentially Sookie Stackhouse mashed with The Vampire Diaries (for those of you who only watch TV, both of those book series were out before Twilight, and TVD was out long before Twilight).
I think the Twilight comparison is unfair in many circumstances, because the authors created super-original worlds that have no relation to Twilight, like the Vampire Academy series, the Immortal series, and the Shade series. But I think in other YA paranormal series, the comparison to Twilight makes sense, because the authors have followed Meyers' overly gushing narrative style (with lots of emphasis on "emerald eyes" or "tousled amber hair" or whatever). In the case of the Fallen series, I feel like she created a super-interesting world (like the ones I just mentioned). But she also falls into that trap of overly gushing prose.
IMO, Fallen is way better than Hush, Hush, because the world is better and way more complicated. But the writing style is very similar - and VERY Twilighty (almost Harlequin style).
I do think Passion was filler. But the last book still has a lot of promise because the world she created is really unusual.
agreed with everything you wrote.
Twilight didn't start the whole teenage love meets fiction/fantasy plot, but it had lots of publicity and distribution, which made it the most famous of its genre (not the best, far from actually).
Lauren Kate probably never would have come up with Fallen had it not been for Twilight.
I kind of agree with you. I liked the first book enough to read Torment too, but this is definitely not high on my list of books I'd like to see become movies.
I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.
I definately agree with both of you!!!
I got real scared when i heard this book was being made into a movie...which i found out a few moments ago...and i'm still scared.
As much as i love this series..i wouldn't want it be made into a movie...It's perfect as it written-form!! I like how i see the characters and place their voices as they are in MY head.
If this is truly being made...they'll get different/total opposite actors from what i've been imagining and it'll totally screw up my views!! >_< & when i go re-read the'll all be and feel different... D:...unless they get pretty good actors, which will be difficult to find in order to satisfy so many fans and with such complicated characters..i mean, they are pretty complicated...ex. Daniel, who's supposed to be this strangley very attractive and complicated character...who are they gonna get? Brad freakin' Pitt...Liam Hemsworth? i don't think so -_- same goes for all the other characters like Arianne, Lucy, Cam!!!! D:
And don't even say things like, "well, if you're upset about this, don't watch it". I'm a can i not be curious and not watch a movie based on one of my favorite series?? Not too mention the consequences that'll come from this: all the psychotic freaks aka Fangirlies.
Anyways...I'm done ranting xD so glad i got that off my chest hehe
I'll wait patiently and see; what happens, happens.Right?
~~ Close Your Eyes and Pretend its all a bad dream. Thats how i get by.~~ C.J.S
i loved it...couldn't stop reading!! excited for movie
booty shake it body rocketBE HERE NOW ANDY WHITFIELD
good christian bitches