MovieChat Forums > Fallen (2017) Discussion > This sounds terrible

This sounds terrible

I just read the premise

I'm getting really sick and tired to seeing these teen supernatural romances. People are going to lose whatever little faith they have in YA book to film adaptations if Hollywood keeps picking up books like this. Why do teen girls fall for this??



It does sound terrible doesn't mean it might be good.

But yeah, I agree with the OP the premise itself sounds horrible. Tragic girl drawn to a beautiful boy who is a superhuman Angel who has loved her for a thousand years ( cue the Twilight soundtrack.)

Who knows, it may be good. The book series may be good. But when hearing the premise it does sound really, really crappy emo teen destiny love plus suck.
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.


[deleted] being Sarcastic or genuine .

Because if genuine more for fun.

If Sarky, then nice proving your superior by commenting on the wastefulness of above page. By joining in on what you consider a wastefulness of a page.

Adding more waste.

In a fair universe, we would all be better people.


actually this sounds interesting........
not saying it will be, but love the subjects the premise contains, which should appear more often in modern cinema in my opinion.


The book was really, seriously lacking and disappointing.
What's sad about this saga, in my opinion, is that it kind of had the potential to actually be good. So maybe, with some more plot development and a few changes here and there, they might be able to make a good movie. Hopefully.
On the bright-side, there is just no way Hollywood will be able to ruin this book further! So, yay ! It should be fairly easy for the movie to be better than the book if they get a decent screen writer and director, and main characters with at least a smidgen of chemistry (unlike Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, but that's a whole different story).
One way or another, having low expectations will be ultimately be a good thing for everyone, because either:
a)the movie will, predictably, suck(but we already knew it would, so no surprise there)
b)the movie will actually not suck, and then we'll all be like, 'well, that wasn't so bad after all'.
IT'S A WIN-WIN SITUATION! #KeepingAPositiveAttitude


this series was truly awful, I read up until passion and then gave up.



Fallen isn't unique. Teen angst and supernatural is a dime a dozen. Can't swing a dead cat without forbidden love, angst and destiny in some youth book one way or another. Can it be good? That is the challenge.

In a fair universe, we would all be better people.


[deleted] see if it gets better but the writing was atrocious and characters were insufferable. more than enough reason to give up on the series.



I have a friend who did the exact same thing with Twilight - read three out of the four books, then gave up because it was just too terrible. Her philosophy is that she has to read something thoroughly in order to judge it. I think the same, which is why I made sure I read Twilight all the way through even though I hated every page of it. Some people do read things that they hate, and you have no idea if the other poster really read those books or not, so don't accuse them of lying. Now I haven't read Fallen, but I do agree with the OP - I could post that post on pretty much every teen fiction adaptation that is in production right now. I'm so sick of these stupid love stories where girls pine endlessly for dreamy boys. Twilight is at the centre of most hate for teen fiction, but let's be real, a lot of these stories are just Twilight recycled.

When you grow up, your heart dies.



I love that you read 3 of the 4 books in the series...then pronounced it bad.

I love how you say that then in another post as another poster, 'If the characters were insufferable, how did you suffer them for 3 books of 400 pages each?'.

Clearly, you are one of those people who can't handle opinions different than your own.

Fallen is unique and beautiful. Y'all, like, protest too much.

The same can be said about you. Your behaviour over people criticizing the Fallen series is ridiculous not to mention incredibly pathetic (I almost feel sorry for you because if you ever someday grow up mentally, you will be embarrassed about your behaviour), you are way to emotionally attached to the series. I love the series too but seriously, it's not a big deal if it's bashed. It is only an opinion that Fallen is bad or a unique and beautiful series, not a fact.

Fans like you is why fandoms have a bad image. I feel bad for Lauren Kate because her fanboys and fangirls remind me so much of Stephenie Meyer's. I have lost count over the temper tantrums I have seen on forums whenever anything negative is said about Fallen or her new series which is probably why I'm not going to be disappointed if the movie is a box office failure.



For all those hating on the book/future film, question for you... have you read the series. The series is wonderful. I agree the whole Twilight ordeal was big and got out of hand, but come on you know you were swept into the storyline wanting to know what happened next. This is just like that. Fallen is mainly a setup of characters and the main setup of the plot. So hold on let them get the first movie out... then judge away at the second book (Torment). Either way I bet you will get swept into the storyline. By the way, this is coming from someone of their key audience. Do not pass it off as just another YA supernatural love story. Twilight I feel gave books just as these a bad rep. Supernatural,yes. Boring series, no.


I have read the books and they are written about as well as a high school freshman's paper. To enjoy those books you have to be able to put up with terrible writing. It is just another YA supernatural love story, Twilight is actually a lot better than this piece of *beep* someone calls a novel. Don't think I say that becayse I like Twilight, I actually hate the series and the dang movies. I did not get swept into the storyline, I actually got disgusted that someone actually published it. I even got my friend to read the books so we can discuss how terrible it actually is. There are so many books more deserving of movie than this book, The Gemma Doyle series, Eragon(A reboot), Poison Study, and even Matched (which is a love story but it actually has a unique idea along with it and characters that actually have depth). And you really think Supernatural is boring? You obviously have not watched it more than 10 minutes. Supernatural has WAY better writing than the stupid Fallen series. Even after Fallen has come and gone (which it will because it is incredibly terrible) Supernatural will still be going with its huge fan base supporting the series.



...but this is a forum for an upcoming film. Why do we have to read the book to make judgements about the premise of this film as listed on this site?

I've had countless people tell me to read all kinds of books before I brushed them aside and every single time I did read them, my opinions didn't change. I think I'll go with my gut on this one.



Yes Fallen did rule, the guy from Vampire Diaries and Malcolm in the middles dad was awesome in it.

About this one..

It does sound awful when said out loud.

It sounds like Vegan Vampires who sparkle, level kind of bad.

Doesn't mean it is just that on description it sounds friggin awful. Loved with her for thousands of years, I could smell the angst from here with that description.

It does sound terrible, doesn't mean it will be. But the OP has a point by description it sounds awful.

Maybe am just tired of immortal stalkers and their creepy obsessive love.
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.




Exactly Fallen does rule, Breaking Bad, that guy from vampire diaries . Heaven and hell and snarky English fallen Angels.

This one , who knows?

But yes , it did sound awful as the OP stated by the description alone. Words like loved for a thousands of years does not inspire confidence in the cynical nor the romantic due to sounding like stalking.

Haters gonna hate, while a good response does not invalidate the OP opening statement. Words thrown about like 'retarded' lend little credence to yours.

In a fair universe, we would all be better people.



Yes Fallen does rule, Rick Worthy was quite good in that.

This version however does not inspire confidence, while I am sure it has many loyal fans who love the source material who are more then willing to believe in the movie version. It doesn't change the description from sounding downright terrible and that the original comment as being correct.

As stated, it may not be terrible but the synopis sounds terrible. No matter how many Fallen rules you throw around. Also haters gonna hate only applies if I actually could hate this movie. I only go by the fact that the description sounds terrible. It holds not enough merit for me to hate it.

Just to think that stalking Angels who love for thousands of years sounds suspect in relation to romantic endeavors.

In a fair universe, we would all be better people.




Thanks for pointing out the spelling mistake, how embarrassing.

As for hate..

I actively dislike the premise, does that make me a hater?

I dont know.

As pointed out I have not seen the film. But on the premise alone sounds like a tedious love triangle\destiny\ supernatural vibe . I was going to say Twilight like but then I have actually have seen Twilight and insulting a film I have not seen yet with that comparison does seem excessive.

But yes, back to my original statement. The premise sound terrible, haters gonna hate and Fallen forever will not change that fact.

But hey , maybe the film can be more then its opening synopis.


In a fair universe, we would all be better people.



Then, please enlighten us. What is the actual premise of this film?


Oh please! You don't like the book, don't read it. You don't like the movie, don't watch it. They're not for you, simple as that.


The first book (Fallen) was pretty good. It was different than the other books for girls (like Twilight and the Hunger Games, which I didn't enjoy at all). The other 4 books are so... cheesy and lame, especially the last one was really tiring. I mean, boys with actual testicles aren't supposed to act like Daniel. So, there is a fake boy (if you want a relationship like Daniel and Luce's then turn to lesbian), there is a love triangle and GOSH I HATE love triangles, and Luce is making me wonna kill her in the other books so, yeah lol.
Though I'm waiting for the movie to be released lol. I loved the first book! And I'm gonna definitely watch the other movies (if there are gonna be some).

