MovieChat Forums > Bob's Burgers (2011) Discussion > Best to worst main characters

Best to worst main characters

First of all, I'm bingeing on Netflix and only halfway through season 3, so if any characters have changed since then; I wouldn't know.

1) Louise - She's hilarious. I would describe her as a mix between seasons 1-4 Stewie, and Bart.

2) Tina - She's awkward in a good way.

3) Bob - He balances all of the other's crazy... except for when he's crazy himself.

4) Gene - I find him to be a 50/50 funny/annoying guy.

5) Linda - I thought she was okay at first, but she has grown on me like a wart. I want her dead. Please tell me if she changes at all, or if that guy that plays her tones down his annoying.


I like all characters. Here's my ranking of the family members:

1) Louise: She's hilarious and my favorite character!
2) Tina: She's awkward, but really funny.
3) Gene: He's great one liners.
4) Bob: Some of his puns are lame, though he makes good jokes.
5) Linda: She's annoying sometimes, but her songs and her catchphrase rule.


1) Tina
2) Louise
3) Bob
4) Linda/Gene

Though I love all





