Favorite Lines...

I didn't see a thread with favorite quotes/lines, but if there is one and I missed it, well...sorry. :)

I have a million but for some reason at the moment one of my favorites is Jimmy Jr. yelling "Don't tell me not to dance, DAD!" when the kids are in the old taffy factory. I just love the way he screams that out and starts dancing. 

And my other *thing* right now is the way Linda says "no" sometimes. Like in this exchange with Gayle:

Gayle: "You're the smart one, I'm the hot one."
Linda: "Nooo."

What are your favorite lines?

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Also, pretty much anything Tammy says: "Don't be such a purde-a-bega", "Don't have a crap attack", "I was born lucky because I was born me and not you", "Don't be such a boob punch", "What do you Maxi-sads want?", "Anything that's not a dog is a cat to me", You're such a goody two-boobs".


Jocelyn: Ohmygod!! He's trying to microwave without a microwave!

Or my isn't name...
