Hated this movie

I watched this on a long plane trip recently, because I was bored. What a horrible movie. Boring, depressing, and with a sickening left wing agenda shoved down our throats.

It reminded me of an ABC After School Special, more than a professional movie.

About the left wing agenda, what do these people expect? Just open up the borders to anyone who wants to come in? Is that really a practical solution?


One last thing, the actor form this movie Demian Bichir, was nominated in the screen actor guild awards (He was nominated by actors, NOT LEFT OR RIGHT WINGS, before u star to talk about politics) and the OSCARS, sooooo that just let us know that U DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MOVIES, RIGHT? Lmao


At no point was there a left bias as OP would suggest. At no time did the characters complain about the potential for deportation, they live with it day in and day out as a matter of fact -- they may be deported. This movie may have been designed for you to feel the plight of the illegal immigrant but offers no opinion on how illegal immigration should be handled. I think you would have to be a heartless individual to not feel some compassion for people who live under similar circumstance. Good people and bad people... hard workers v. gang members. The movie offered a glimpse into the need for deportation and the need to keep hard working families united. One of the best movies I have seen in a while.



You didn't like it's 'agenda' and you found it depressing? How does that work?



What the OP was feeling is empathy. Not having the time or patience to confront an issue he knew little about but felt so passionately of was like driving a million miles an hour only to have his wheels fall off right in the middle. "Depressing?" Yes. I'm glad it reached someone :] Very glad.

Not above cutting a b*tch, since 1988


I liked it. Congrats to Bechir on his Oscar nomination.


Why do right-wingers watch movies?
I mean, movies other than Atlas Shrugged and Left Behind...

I'm not a left-winger nor am I even a Democrat (I'm actually a Republican, though I've been embarrassed by my party since the 2000 primary), but this film is not even about promoting a political agenda. In fact, it almost says that Mexicans are all criminals, even the good ones (he does steal a truck in addition to being an illegal alien) so that's not really a great point.

So I pose my question again: why do people like you bother watching movies when it's obvious that you won't like them? You knew before you watched it that you'd hate it, so why did you bother?


You seriously can't just enjoy a good movie without getting your panties in a twist about liberals? I saw no agenda in this film pushing for or against anything, just a father being separated from his son. Go watch Act of Valor, I'm sure you'll be much happier with that right wing circle jerk.


Somebody was weened on a pickle!

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!
